Title (entered) | URL (entered) | Title | Access | Description | Start | End | Subject | Jurisdiction | Updated | Top | Notes (not for display) |
1L Survival Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/orientation | 1L Survival Guide | Anyone anywhere | A guide for beginning law students about the UW Law School, skills, courses, faculty, textbooks, studying, exams, library access, and technology. | General | Wisconsin | |||||
ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-aba-lawlib-periodicals | ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | This collection digitizes ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals, along with 44 periodicals previously only available to ABA section members. It provides access to current volumes of included periodicals and covers all subject areas of American law. | 1915 | present | General | Federal; All States | |||
Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/academicsearch | Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) | Anyone in Wisconsin | Index to magazines and journals from every academic discipline. Many articles available in full-text. | 1984 | General | Federal; All States; Wisconsin | daily | |||
Administrative Decisions Guide (Univ. of VA) | https://guides.lib.virginia.edu/administrative_decisions | Administrative Decisions Guide (Univ. of VA) | Anyone anywhere | Gateway to administrative actions outside the scope of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the Federal Register. | present | General | Federal | ||||
AILALink | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/ailalink | AILALink | UW-Madison users anywhere | Immigration law information and guidance, including publications of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, statutes, regulations, and cases. Includes Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook, Business Immigration: Law and Practice, and AILA's Asylum Primer. 3 simultaneous users. When you're done, click "Sign Out" at upper right. | present | Immigration Law | Federal | ||||
Air and Space Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-space | Air and Space Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Government documents, legislative histories, books, and journals on legal and regulatory aspects of aviation and space. Topics covered include airline deregulation, air traffic control, airline safety, drones, satellites, NASA and the Space Shuttle Program, space debris, and the increasing presence of private companies in space. | 1902 | present | General | Federal | |||
American Indian Experience | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/americanindianexperience | American Indian Experience | UW-Madison users anywhere | The American Indian Experience is a portal and full-text online library of more than 150 titles; hundreds of primary documents and images, including treaties, speeches, traditional tales, and captivity narratives with contextual annotation; a wealth of maps and photographs; and hundreds of vetted Web sites. Designed and indexed by Loriene Roy (the first Native American President of the American Library Association) and a team of American Indian librarians and scholars to meet the needs of teachers, researchers and the general public. | present | Indigenous Peoples | All States | ||||
American Law Institute Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/american-law-inst-lib | American Law Institute Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | The American Law Institute Library is home to a range of scholarly work that examines and clarifies the law, as annotated and written by a collection of judges and lawyers. The library includes Restatements, model statutes, principles of the law, Uniform Commercial Code and more. | 1923 | present | Legal Research | Federal; All States | |||
American Lawyer | http://libproxy.law.wisc.edu/login?url=https://www.law.com/americanlawyer | American Lawyer | UW Law users anywhere | Legal news covering law firms, legal business and lawyers from across the U.S. and around the world. Includes the Am Law 100, The Global 100, The A-List and the Am Law 200. UW Law users can receive newsletters or search alerts on topics of interest. | present | General | Federal; All States | daily | |||
American Presidency Project | http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ | American Presidency Project | Anyone anywhere | Presidential papers, remarks, speeches, executive orders and more, starting with George Washington up to the present day. Over 100,000 documents can be searched by year, keyword or president. | 1789 | present | General | Federal | |||
Android Applications Guide for Lawyers, Law Faculty and Law Students | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/android | Android Applications Guide for Lawyers, Law Faculty and Law Students | Anyone anywhere | A guide to Android applications for legal professionals. | General | Federal; All States; Technical | |||||
Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wisc-newspapers-digital-research | Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers | Anyone in Wisconsin | Daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers, cover to cover in PDF. Titles include the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Badger Herald, Daily Cardinal, Isthmus, and Madison Times, among others. | 2005 | 90 days ago | General | Wisconsin | |||
ArchiveGrid | http://beta.worldcat.org/archivegrid/ | ArchiveGrid | Anyone anywhere | ArchiveGrid includes over three million records describing archival materials, bringing together information about historical documents, personal papers, family histories, and more. With over 1,000 different archival institutions represented, ArchiveGrid helps researchers looking for primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums and historical societies throughout the world. Includes records for items dating back to thousands of years B.C.E. to the present day. | pre-18th century | present | General | Federal; All States | daily | ||
Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/avalonproject | Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy | Anyone anywhere | Digital documents relative to the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy, and government.Links to supporting documents referred to in the body of the texts. | pre-18th century | present | Constitutional Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Badgerlink | https://badgerlink.dpi.wi.gov | Badgerlink | Anyone in Wisconsin | Full-text articles from general (including some legal) journals and newspapers. | 1980s | present | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | daily | ||
Bankruptcy/Debtor-Creditor Proceedings Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/bankruptcy | Bankruptcy/Debtor-Creditor Proceedings Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Bankruptcy | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
Bar Journals (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=barjournals | Bar Journals (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Contains more than 100 state and local Bar Journals. You can search by article title, author, description, date, or across the full text of the articles. | 1898 | present | General | All States | |||
Bhopal: Law, Accidents, and Disasters in India | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/uwlaw-bhopal | Bhopal: Law, Accidents, and Disasters in India | Anyone anywhere | The Bhopal Digital Archive collects thousands of court documents, newspaper clippings, secondary sources, videos, and more, all focused on the Bhopal chemical disaster that occurred in December 1984. The content is full-text searchable, and can be freely downloaded (except for the newspaper clippings, which can be viewed at the Law School). Content will continue to be added as the Law School receives it. | 1984 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Foreign & International; Federal | |||
Bills & Laws (ProQuest Congressional) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/congressional-bills-laws | Bills & Laws (ProQuest Congressional) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A complete collection of publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking, useful for compiling a federal legislative history. PDFs include the public law, all bill versions, floor debate from the Congressional Record, committee reports, conference committee reports, hearings, and prints. Also included are Presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and other miscellaneous congressional publications. | 1789 | 2024 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal | |||
Bills, Resolutions, Legislation (Congress.Gov) | https://www.congress.gov/legislation | Bills, Resolutions, Legislation (Congress.Gov) | Anyone anywhere | Full-text of U.S. Congressional bills, bill tracking, and resolutions. | 1989 | present | General | Federal | daily | ||
Bloomberg Law | https://www.bloomberglaw.com/ | Bloomberg Law | UW Law users anywhere | Legal news, analysis, practice tools, and guidance, company and market news, information and filings, cases, statutes and regulations, state and federal dockets (comparable to PACER), and many transactional documents and clauses. To receive a Bloomberg Law password, you must be an authorized user affiliated with the Law School. Law School users may request access by completing the form at the Bloomberg Law website. Contact Kris Turner for assistance with Bloomberg Law passwords. | present | Business Organizations & Corporations; Contracts; Taxation; Labor & Employment; Property | Federal; All States | daily | 1 | ||
Bloomberg Law News | https://news.bloomberglaw.com | Bloomberg Law News | UW Law users anywhere | Expert analysis, news, and alerts over the full range of legal practice areas. Select practice area from the title dropdown menu. Law School users may request access by completing the form at the Bloomberg Law website. Contact Kris Turner for assistance with Bloomberg Law passwords. | present | General; Bankruptcy; Business Organizations & Corporations; Communications Law; Criminal Law & Procedure; Environmental Law; Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Health & Medicine; Intellectual Property; Labor & Employment; Land Use & Urban Development | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | daily | |||
Books UnBound | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/books-unbound | Books UnBound | UW Law users anywhere | CLE (Continuing Legal Education) books from the State Bar of Wisconsin (the "brown binders"). | present | General | Wisconsin | weekly | 2 | ||
BrowZine | https://browzine.com/libraries/47/subjects | BrowZine | UW-Madison users anywhere | The BrowZine app (available for IOS and Android tablets and phones) works by organizing the articles found in Open Access and subscription databases, uniting them into complete journals, then arranging these journals on a common newsstand. The result is an easy and familiar way to browse, read and monitor scholarly journals across the disciplines. | Legal Research | Federal; Foreign & International | |||||
Business Source Complete | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/bse | Business Source Complete | UW-Madison users anywhere | Index and some full text articles from business journals in areas such as management, economics, finance, banking and accounting. | 1984 | present | Business Organizations & Corporations | Federal; All States | daily | ||
C-Span | https://www.c-span.org/ | C-Span | Anyone anywhere | Videos and transcripts of C-Span programs. Includes public affairs programming, Congressional proceedings, news conferences, BookTV non-fiction author talks and interviews, and more. | 1987 | present | General | Federal; All States | daily | ||
Canada Legal Research Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/canada | Canada Legal Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Canada | |||||
Canada Supreme Court Reports (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=cscreports | Canada Supreme Court Reports (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | HeinOnline's Canada Supreme Court Reports contains the official bilingual series published under authority of the Supreme Court Act. Includes background information, statutes and regulations, authors cited, analysis and the decision. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Canada | |||||
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations | http://www.legalabbrevs.cardiff.ac.uk/ | Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations | Anyone anywhere | Abbreviations for English language legal publications, from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States, including those covering international and comparative law. Cardiff's is useful for interpreting legal citations. | present | Legal Research | Federal; Foreign & International | ||||
Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents & Debates, 1774-1875 | http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw | Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents & Debates, 1774-1875 | Anyone anywhere | Historical U.S. Congressional documents and debates, including the Congressional Record and its predecessors. | 1774 | 1875 | Jurisprudence & Legal History; Legislation | Federal | |||
Chambers and Partners | https://chambers.com | Chambers and Partners | Anyone anywhere | The Chambers Guides list the top lawyers in 175 countries, providing independent rankings and editorial commentary. | present | Lawyering & the Practice of Law | All States; Foreign & International | annually | |||
Checkpoint (Thomson Reuters) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/riacheckpoint | Checkpoint (Thomson Reuters) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Tax and accounting materials including the complete federal tax code, regulations, committee reports, and rulings. Also contains the Federal Tax Coordinator, U.S. Tax Reporter, Federal Tax Handbook, a news/current awareness section, as well as state tax cases, rulings, and legislation. UW-Madison NetID required. Limited to 35 simultaneous users. | 1950s | present | Taxation; Business Organizations & Corporations | Federal | daily | 3 | |
Chile Legal Research Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/chileanlaw | Chile Legal Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Chile | |||||
ChinaLawInfo (PKULaw) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/pkulaw | ChinaLawInfo (PKULaw) | UW-Madison users anywhere | See: PKULaw (ChinaLawInfo/LawInfoChina) | 1949 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; China | |||
Citation Guide: Interpreting, Managing & Creating Bluebook Legal Cites | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/bluebook | Citation Guide: Interpreting, Managing & Creating Bluebook Legal Cites | Anyone anywhere | Guide to creating and managing citations in the Bluebook format. | Legal Research | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | |||||
Civil Rights and Social Justice (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-civil | Civil Rights and Social Justice (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Contains publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from relevant U.S. Supreme Court cases, and more. | 1734 | present | General | Federal | |||
CNKI (中國知網) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/cnki | CNKI (中國知網) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Multidisciplinary full text database of journals published in China. Includes a large selection of Chinese law journals. Includes content previously found in China Academic Journals and Century Journals Project. | 1906 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Code of Federal Regulations (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text | Code of Federal Regulations (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | This version of the CFR offers excellent search and navigation features as well as cross references to external sources such as the U.S. Code and Federal Register pages that update a CFR section. | present | General | Federal | annually | |||
Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) | http://www.ecfr.gov | Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) | Anyone anywhere | Online access to the Code of Federal Regulations. | present | General | Federal | daily | |||
Code of Federal Regulations (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/CFR | Code of Federal Regulations (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | Codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. | 1996 | present | General | Federal | annually | ||
Code of Federal Regulations (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-cfr | Code of Federal Regulations (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Comprehensive coverage of the CFR from its inception. | 1938 | present | General | Federal | monthly | ||
Code of Federal Regulations (Library of Congress) | https://www.loc.gov/collections/code-of-federal-regulations/ | Code of Federal Regulations (Library of Congress) | Anyone anywhere | Codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register, fully browsable and downloadable. | 1938 | 1995 | General | Federal | |||
Compilation of Presidential Documents (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/CPD | Compilation of Presidential Documents (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | The official publication of presidential statements, messages, remarks, and other materials released by the White House Press Secretary. Contains both the daily and superseded weekly compilations. | 1992 | present | General | Federal | daily | ||
Judges and the Judiciary: Exploring America's Court System (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/congress-courts | Judges and the Judiciary: Exploring America's Court System (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Materials on the composition, structure, oversight, and procedures of the judiciary, analyzing how the courts touch the lives of everyday Americans. Formerly known as Congress and the Courts. | 1790 | present | Legislation; Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Federal | |||
Congress.gov | http://congress.gov/ | Congress.gov | Anyone anywhere | Congress.gov contains federal legislative information from the United States government. It is the new platform for legislation, the Congressional Record, committee reports, nominations, treaties, Senate and House Executive Communications and member profiles. | 1973 | present | Legislation | Federal | |||
Congressional Bills (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/BILLS | Congressional Bills (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | Full-text of U.S. Congressional bills and resolutions. | 1993 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Committee Prints (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/CPRT | Congressional Committee Prints (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | Browse the current catalog of Congressional Committee Prints, publications issued by Congressional Committees related to their legislative or research activities. | 1991 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | |||
Congressional Committee Reports (Congress.gov) | https://www.congress.gov/congressional-reports?&n=Reports&c=110 | Congressional Committee Reports (Congress.gov) | Anyone anywhere | U.S. Congressional committee reports. Committee reports are one type of documents produced by House and Senate committees.They include reports that accompany a legislative measure when it is reported for chamber action, reports on oversight or investigative activities, conference committee reports, and committee activity reports, published at the conclusion of a Congress. | 1995 | present | General | Federal | |||
Congressional Hearings (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/CHRG | Congressional Hearings (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | Selected hearings from U.S. Congressional committee hearings proceedings. Most hearings are published two months to two years after they are held. For older hearings, see ProQuest Congressional. | 1957 | present | Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Hearings (ProQuest Congressional) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/proquest-hearings | Congressional Hearings (ProQuest Congressional) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Published and unpublished hearings from U.S. Congressional committee hearings proceedings. All hearings contain the full transcripts of the proceedings, including all oral statements, committee questions, and discussion. Published hearings also contain texts of related reports, statistical analyses,correspondence, exhibits, and articles presented by witnesses or inserted into the record by committee members and staff. For more recent hearings, see govinfo. | 1824 | 2024 | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Record (Bound Edition) (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/CRECB | Congressional Record (Bound Edition) (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | The official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. Note that this is the bound edition - Congressional Record citations may be to the daily edition. The primary ways in which the bound edition differs from the daily edition are continuous pagination; somewhat edited, revised, and rearranged text; and the dropping of the prefixes H, S, and E before page numbers. | 1873 | 2013 | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Record (Congress.gov) | https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record | Congressional Record (Congress.gov) | Anyone anywhere | The official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. Note that this is the daily edition - See govinfo for bound edition citations. | 1989 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Record (Daily Edition) (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/CREC | Congressional Record (Daily Edition) (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | The official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. Note that this is the daily edition - Congressional Record citations may be to the bound edition. | 1994 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Record (ProQuest Congressional) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/congressionalrecord-pdc | Congressional Record (ProQuest Congressional) | UW-Madison users anywhere | The official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress back to 1789. Includes both daily and bound editions of the Congressional Record, as well as its predecessor titles: the Congressional Globe, the Register of Debates, and the Annals of Congress. | 1789 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports (Archive-It) | http://archive-it.org/collections/1078 | Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports (Archive-It) | Anyone anywhere | CRS Reports provide nonpartisan research and analysis on a wide range of topics to members of Congress and other congressional staff. | 2008 | present | General | Federal | |||
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports (Proquest Congressional) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/congressional-crs-reports | Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports (Proquest Congressional) | UW-Madison users anywhere | CRS Reports provide nonpartisan research and analysis on a wide range of topics to members of Congress and other congressional staff. | 1916 | 2024 | General; Legislation | Federal | |||
ConSource: The Constitutional Sources Project | http://www.consource.org/ | ConSource: The Constitutional Sources Project | Anyone anywhere | A collection of primary and secondary sources related to the formation and ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Includes the Constitution and precedents, the Federalist Papers, James Madison's notes of the Constitutional Convention, the papers of George Washington, state constitutions and charters, ratification debates, and more. | 1700s | - | Constitutional Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal | |||
Constitute | https://www.constituteproject.org/search?lang=en | Constitute | Anyone anywhere | Searchable database of almost 200 constitutions worldwide that allows constitutions to be compared by topic, with texts displayed side by side. | 2019 | Constitutional Law; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Copyright Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/copyright | Copyright Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Intellectual Property | Federal; Foreign & International | |||||
County Offices (CountyOffice.org) | http://www.countyoffice.org/ | County Offices (CountyOffice.org) | Anyone anywhere | A listing of county government offices in the United States such as county assessor, board of elections, chamber of commerce, child support offices, colleges, coroner, courts, and more. | General | All States; Wisconsin | |||||
Court Listener | https://www.courtlistener.com/ | Court Listener | Anyone anywhere | Provided by the Free Law Project, Court Listener contains millions of legal opinions from federal and state courts as well as oral arguments, profiles, links to case authorities and more. Researchers can search RECAP, a collection of archived and freely available PACER documents and dockets. | 1754 | present | Legal Research | All States; Wisconsin; Federal | daily | ||
Court Rules, Federal (Current Rules of Practice & Procedure) | http://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure | Court Rules, Federal (Current Rules of Practice & Procedure) | Anyone anywhere | Court rules for the federal courts of appeals, district, bankruptcy and other federal courts. | present | Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges; Bankruptcy | All States | ||||
Court Rules, Wisconsin | http://www.wicourts.gov/scrules/index.htm | Court Rules, Wisconsin | Anyone anywhere | Wisconsin Supreme Court rules and local circuit court rules by county. | present | Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Wisconsin | ||||
Court Statistics Project | http://www.courtstatistics.org/ | Court Statistics Project | Anyone anywhere | Collects and analyzes data relating to the work of state courts. | 1998 | present | Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | All States | annually | ||
Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920 (Gale) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/cppc | Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920 (Gale) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Archive of primary source materials related to criminal history, law, literature, and justice in nineteenth century Europe, North America, India, and the Antipodes (Australia and New Zealand). | 1790 | 1920 | Jurisprudence & Legal History; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Criminal Justice & Criminology (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-agol | Criminal Justice & Criminology (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Government documents, pamphlets, memoirs, and books covering criminal justice and criminology in the United States and the United Kingdom. Includes Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States and Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice. | 1615 | present | General | Federal | |||
Criminal Law & Procedure Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/criminallaw | Criminal Law & Procedure Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Criminal Law & Procedure | Federal; All States; Wisconsin | |||||
Current Digest of the Russian Press (East View) | https://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=https://dlib.eastview.com/browse/publication/6765 | Current Digest of the Russian Press (East View) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A leading primary source in the field of Soviet/Russian area studies, it presents a weekly selection of Russian-language press materials translated into English, covering a wide range of issues in the post-Soviet space and the international arena. | 2011 | present | General | Foreign & International | |||
Current Index to Legal Periodicals (HeinOnline) | http://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=http://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?index=journals/curintlep&collection=journals | Current Index to Legal Periodicals (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Citations to newly published law journal articles covering all areas of United States law. | 1936 | present | General | Federal; Wisconsin; All States | weekly | ||
Cyber Cemetery | http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/default.htm | Cyber Cemetery | Anyone anywhere | Archived government websites that are now defunct or have ceased operation. The agencies archived are broad in scope and have most of their original links working. Maintained by the University of North Texas and the Government Printing Office. | 1990 | present | Legal Research; Federal Government Law | Federal | |||
Dane County Law Library | http://wilawlibrary.gov/about/locations.html#dcll | Dane County Law Library | Anyone anywhere | DCLL provides a variety of legal information services to both the local legal community and the general public. It is located in the Dane County Courthouse. | General | Wisconsin | |||||
Dane County Ordinances | https://www.countyofdane.com/ordinances | Dane County Ordinances | Anyone anywhere | Full text of Dane County ordinances. | present | Local Government Law | Local | quarterly | |||
Death Penalty Worldwide (Cornell) | https://deathpenaltyworldwide.org/ | Death Penalty Worldwide (Cornell) | Anyone anywhere | Data death penalty laws, statistics practices in the 93 countries and territories that retain capital punishment. Includes references to relevant legislation, documents from governmental and international organizations, and other primary and secondary sources. | present | Legal Research; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Federal | monthly | |||
Digital Commons Law Network | http://network.bepress.com/#/law/ | Digital Commons Law Network | Anyone anywhere | Open source collection of institutional repositories from across the United States, including faculty scholarship, law review articles and conference proceedings. The network may be searched in specific areas of law, such as administrative law or constitutional law. | Legal Research; General | Federal; All States; Canada; Secondary Resources | |||||
Divorce & Child Custody/Support Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/divorce | Divorce & Child Custody/Support Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Children & Family Law; Civil Procedure; Trial & Trial Practice | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/dhffcusa | The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America | UW-Madison users anywhere | Official records, unofficially reported debates, and correspondence related to the of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America. | 1789 | 1791 | Constitutional Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal | |||
Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/dhrc | Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution | UW-Madison users anywhere | Trace the Constitution’s progress through each of the thirteen states’ conventions using thousands of sources. Includes convention and legislative records, private papers, newspapers, broadsides, and pamphlets. Search by date, title, author, recipient, or state affiliation. | 1787 | 1791 | Constitutional Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal | |||
E&E News (Environment and Energy News) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/eande-publishing | E&E News (Environment and Energy News) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Environment & Energy Publishing (E&E) is the leading source for comprehensive, daily coverage of environmental and energy policy and markets. Includes EnergyWire, ClimateWire, E&E Daily, Greenwire and E&ENews PM. Key areas covered by E&E's reporters and editors: U.S. federal legislation, U.S. environmental regulation and federal agencies, International and U.S. climate policy issues, Global energy resources and markets, Unconventional energy (fracking, deep water, etc.), Electric utilities, Alternative energy, Air and water issues, Hazardous and toxic substances, Public lands, Endangered species, Mining and agriculture, Technology. | present | General; Legal Research | Federal; All States | daily | |||
Early American Case Law (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=cases | Early American Case Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Contains the entire Federal Cases 30 book series (1894-1897) which contains more than 20,000 cases. Also included is the Trinity Series, which includes American Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports. | 1894 | 1897 | Constitutional Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; All States | |||
Education (Legal Aspects) Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/legalaspectsofeducation | Education (Legal Aspects) Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Education Law | Federal; All States | |||||
Eight Centuries (Paratext) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/19thcenturymasterfile | Eight Centuries (Paratext) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Formerly known as 19th Century Masterfile. Combination of indexes to nineteenth century journals and government publications. Includes Jones and Chipman's Index to Legal Periodical Literature (1786-1922); Compilation of the Message and Papers of the Presidents (1789-1897); Subject Matter Index of Patents Issued by the U.S. (1790-1873); Cobett's Parliamentary History of England (1066-1803); Hansard's indexes to debates in the House of Lords and House of Commons (1803-1830); and Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the U.S. (1774-1881). | 1786 | 1922 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||
Eighteenth Century Collections Online | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/ecco | Eighteenth Century Collections Online | UW-Madison users anywhere | Significant English-language and foreign-language titles printed in the United Kingdom and in the British colonies during the eighteenth century. See "law" subject. | 1700 | 1800 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/encyc-env-law | Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Summaries of key concepts and the latest research on environmental law topics, including climate change law, biodiversity and nature protection, compliance and enforcement, and multilateral environmental treaties.Each entry is written by an expert in the field and includes a bibliography for further reading. | 2015 | Environmental Law; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/encyc-int-econ-law | Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Summaries of concepts and terms of international economic law, grouped into four parts: Foundations and Architecture, Principles, Main Regulatory Areas, and Cross-cutting Challenges. Each entry is written by an expert in the field and includes a bibliography for further reading. | 2017 | Law & Economics; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Employment & Labor Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/employment | Employment & Labor Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | A guide to federal and Wisconsin materials on employment law, which pertains to the employer/employee relationship, and labor law, which covers the relationship between employers and labor unions. | Labor & Employment | Federal; All States | |||||
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/edil | Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | The Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law brings together both terminology and pertinent descriptive information on international law. Part of the Oxford Reference Online platform. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (Elgar) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/encyc-law-econ | Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (Elgar) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Overviews of topics in law and economics, including criminal law, regulation, property law, contract law, tort law, labor and employment law, antitrust law, procedural law, and the production of legal rules. Each entry is written by an expert in the field and includes a bibliography for further reading. | 2017 | Law & Economics; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Encyclopedia of Law and Religion (Brill) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/encyc-law-religion | Encyclopedia of Law and Religion (Brill) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Issues at the junction of law, religion, and state are covered for each country worldwide, as well as special territories and international organizations. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Legal Research | Foreign & International | |||||
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online (Brill) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/epila | Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online (Brill) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
English Reports (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-english-reports | English Reports (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Exact page-images of the original bound reprint edition of the English Reports (containing more than 100,000 cases), together with the Indexes and Book of Charts. | 1220 | 1867 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; United Kingdom | |||
Environmental Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/environmentallaw | Environmental Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Environmental Law; Land Use & Urban Development | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
ERISA Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/ERISA | ERISA Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Estate Planning | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
Estate Planning, Wills & Probate Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/estateplanning | Estate Planning, Wills & Probate Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Estate Planning | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
EUR-Lex | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/eur-lex | EUR-Lex | Anyone anywhere | European Union (EU) law (legislation, case law, treaties) and other public documents. Also includes the Official Journal of the European Union, preparatory acts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.) and summaries of EU legislation (which put legal acts into a policy context, explained in plain language). | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; European Union | daily | ||||
European Centre for Minority Issues (HeinOnline) | http://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=http://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?collection=ecmi | European Centre for Minority Issues (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Reports and working papers from the European Centre for Minority Issues as well as related publications. | 1997 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Human Rights | Foreign & International; European Union | |||
European Union Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/europeanunionlaw | European Union Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; European Union | |||||
Every CRS Report | https://www.everycrsreport.com/ | Every CRS Report | Anyone anywhere | Access to every currently loaded Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report in Congress's internal website. Revision histories of updated CRS reports are also included. Users can search via topical browsing or keyword searching and can get updates via email or RSS feeds. | General | Federal | Security certificate error 2024-07-10 (expired 07-05). Emailed them, waiting to hear back. | ||||
Executive Branch Documents (Proquest Congressional) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/congressional-ebd | Executive Branch Documents (Proquest Congressional) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Collection of publications from the Executive Branch of the federal government listed in the 1909 Checklist created by the U.S. Superintendent of Documents as a summary of all publications issues by the government since 1789. Includes fully-searchable access to 200,000-plus documents not included in U.S. Serial Set collection, as well as an additional 200,000 document chosen from the 1910-1932 period. | 1789 | 1939 | Legislation | Federal | |||
Fastcase | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/fastcase | Fastcase | UW-Madison users anywhere | Federal and state court opinions, case law, statutes, regulations, constitutions, and court rules. Includes an archive of Wisconsin Jury Instructions. For current Wisconsin Jury Instructions, see Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Wisconsin State Law Library). | present | General | Federal; All States | 4 | |||
Federal Agency Directory | https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/a | Federal Agency Directory | Anyone anywhere | A-Z index of U.S. governmental departments and agencies from USA.Gov. | present | General | Federal | ||||
Federal Congressional Procedure & Legislative History Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/fedleghistory | Federal Congressional Procedure & Legislative History Guide | Anyone anywhere | A guide to researching the legislative history of federal laws. | Legislation | Federal | |||||
Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (Bureau of Justice Statistics) | https://www.bjs.gov/fjsrc | Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (Bureau of Justice Statistics) | Anyone anywhere | Information describing suspects and defendants processed in the federal criminal justice system. Users can generate various statistics in the areas of federal law enforcement, prosecution/courts and incarcerations, and based on title and section of the U.S. Criminal Code. | 1998 | 2014 | Criminal Law & Procedure | Federal | |||
Federal Judicial Center | https://www.fjc.gov/ | Federal Judicial Center | Anyone anywhere | Information ranging from FJC reports and publications (including those on the various rules of procedure) to an integrated database of federal cases filed since 1970. | 1970 | present | Legislation; Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Federal | |||
Federal Program Inventory | https://fpi.omb.gov/ | Federal Program Inventory | Anyone anywhere | A database of United States Federal financial assistance programs ranging from Social Security and Medicare to the smallest community block grant programs. Search by category, agency, eligible applicants, and more. | present | General | Federal | ||||
Federal Register (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/FR | Federal Register (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. | 1936 | present | General | Federal | daily | ||
Federal Register (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-fedreg | Federal Register (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. | 1936 | present | General | Federal | daily | ||
Federal Register (Library of Congress) | https://www.loc.gov/law/help/federal-register.php | Federal Register (Library of Congress) | Anyone anywhere | The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. | 1936 | 1993 | General | Federal | |||
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frbp/ | Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | These rules govern bankruptcy proceedings in federal courts. | present | Civil Procedure; Trial & Trial Practice; Bankruptcy | Federal | ||||
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/ | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | These rules govern the conduct of all civil actions brought in federal district courts. While they do not apply to suits in state courts, the rules of many states have been closely modeled on these provisions. | present | Civil Procedure; Trial & Trial Practice | Federal | ||||
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcrmp/ | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | These rules govern the conduct of all criminal proceedings brought in federal courts. | present | Criminal Law & Procedure; Trial & Trial Practice | Federal | ||||
Federal Rules of Evidence (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/fre/ | Federal Rules of Evidence (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | These rules govern the introduction of evidence in proceedings, both civil and criminal, in federal courts. While they do not apply to suits in state courts, the rules of many states have been closely modeled on these provisions. | present | Civil Procedure; Criminal Law & Procedure; Trial & Trial Practice | Federal | ||||
Federal Tax Research Sources Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/TaxResearch | Federal Tax Research Sources Guide | Anyone anywhere | This guide lists UW Law Library resources useful in substantive federal tax research. | Taxation | Federal | |||||
FindLaw Lawyer Directory | http://lawyers.findlaw.com/ | FindLaw Lawyer Directory | Anyone anywhere | National lawyer and law firm directory. | present | Lawyering & the Practice of Law | Federal; All States | ||||
Flare Index to Treaties | http://ials.sas.ac.uk/digital/ials-digital-resources/flare-index-treaties | Flare Index to Treaties | Anyone anywhere | Searchable database of basic information on 2000+ of the most significant multilateral treaties, conventions and agreements, along with a number of historically significant bilateral treaties.Information includes: the official, popular and alternative titles of the particular treaty; dates and place of conclusion; where the text of the treaty can be found in print publications; links to the text of treaties on the internet; and more. | 1353 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Foreign & International Law Resources Database (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-filrd | Foreign & International Law Resources Database (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | International law publications, including prominent Yearbooks from around the world and proceedings of the American Society of International Law. Also contains U.S. law digests on international law and judicial decisions of the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice. | 1973 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Foreign and Comparative Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/internationallawforeign | Foreign and Comparative Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Foreign Law Guide | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/foreign-law-guide | Foreign Law Guide | UW-Madison users anywhere | Current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions around the world. Contains concise descriptions of each country's legal system, the main sources of law, the nature of the legal literature, followed by a list of major laws and whether there is an English translation. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | weekly | ||||
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, 1947-1980 (Adam Matthew) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/fo_ipa | Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, 1947-1980 (Adam Matthew) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Collection of diplomatic dispatches, correspondence, maps, summaries of events from the British Foreign Office files dealing with India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan between 1947 and 1980. | 1947 | 1980 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; India; Pakistan; Afghanistan | |||
Foreign Relations of the United States (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-frus | Foreign Relations of the United States (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity.Before the current title was adopted, this series was formerly known as Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States and Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers. | 1861 | 1988 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Gale Primary Sources: Newspaper / Periodical Databases | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/galenewsvault | Gale Primary Sources: Newspaper / Periodical Databases | UW-Madison users anywhere | Cross-searches Gale newspapers archives covering over 400 years of content, including: 17th-18th C. Burney Collection, 19th C. British Library Newspapers Pt. I, 19th C. U.S. Newspapers, Economist Historical Archive, Illustrated London News, Times (of London) Digital Archive, Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive. Formerly known as Gale Newsvault. | 1800s | present | General | Foreign & International, Federal, States | |||
Gargoyle, The | https://gargoyle.law.wisc.edu/ | Gargoyle, The | Anyone anywhere | Alumni magazine for the University of Wisconsin Law School. | 1969 | present | General | Wisconsin | quarterly | ||
Germany Legal Research Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/germany | Germany Legal Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Global Health and Human Rights Database | http://www.globalhealthrights.org/ | Global Health and Human Rights Database | Anyone anywhere | The Global Health and Human Rights Database is a free online database of law from around the world relating to health and human rights. The database offers an interactive, searchable, and fully indexed website of case law, national constitutions and international instruments. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Google Books | http://books.google.com/ | Google Books | Anyone anywhere | Search engine for full text general and legal books. Books in the public domain are available in "full view" and free for download. For in-print books, Google limits the number of viewable pages. | present | General | Federal; Wisconsin; All States | daily | |||
Google Scholar | http://scholar.google.com/ | Google Scholar | Anyone anywhere | Search engine for federal and state court opinions, as well as scholarly articles, theses and books. | 1776 | present | General | Federal; Wisconsin; All States | daily | ||
govinfo | https://www.govinfo.gov | govinfo | Anyone anywhere | Free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.Includes the Federal Register, Congressional Record, U.S. Code, U.S. Statutes at Large, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Budgets, Congressional bills, hearings, committee prints, and more. govinfo has replaced FDsys. | present | General | Federal | daily | |||
GovTrack | https://www.govtrack.us/ | GovTrack | Anyone anywhere | GovTrack allows researchers to more easily create legislative histories by tracking bills of interest. Users can also follow specific policy areas and receive alerts when new bills are introduced that fit your parameters. | present | Legal Research; Legislation | Federal | daily | |||
Guide to Law Online (Law Library of Congress) | https://www.loc.gov/research-centers/law-library-of-congress/researcher-resources/guide-to-law-online/ | Guide to Law Online (Law Library of Congress) | Anyone anywhere | Annotated directory to sources of information on government and law available online. Nations of the World section provides links sources of foreign law on the Internet. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | ||||
Hansard (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hansard-pq | Hansard (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Hansard is the official report of proceedings of both the U.K. House of Commons and the House of Lords. It is similar to the United States' Congressional Record. Keyword Search or browse by date, members, constituencies or offices. | 1803 | 2005 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Hansard (UK Parliament) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hansard | Hansard (UK Parliament) | Anyone anywhere | Hansard is the official report of proceedings of both the U.K. House of Commons and the House of Lords. It is similar to the United States' Congressional Record. | 1803 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | daily | ||
HathiTrust Digital Library | https://www.hathitrust.org | HathiTrust Digital Library | Anyone anywhere | HathiTrust includes digitized collections from CIC (Big Ten) libraries and the University of California System. Full-text of works that are out of copyright or in the public domain are available for viewing or searching. The items are also in Google Books but have greater availability and searchability in HathiTrust. | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; Wisconsin; All states | ||||
Health Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/healthlaw | Health Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to Health Law resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Health & Medicine | Federal; All States | |||||
HeinOnline | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein | HeinOnline | UW-Madison users anywhere | Full-text legal periodicals, historical texts, foreign & international materials, and primary legal materials in PDF, including the Federal Register, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Reports & attorney general opinions, state session laws, and more. | 1220 | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; Wisconsin; All states | daily | 5 | |
Historical Resources for U.S. and State Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/legalhistory | Historical Resources for U.S. and State Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; All States | |||||
History of International Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-hoil | History of International Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Resources related to the history of international law, focusing on war and peace, law of the sea, international arbitration, the Nuremberg Trials, the Hague Conference and Conventions, and more. | 1690 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
History of Supreme Court Nominations (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=supcourt | History of Supreme Court Nominations (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | This library features the complete print series Supreme Court of the U.S. Hearings and Reports on Successful and Unsuccessful Nominations of Supreme Court Justices by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Browse by Justice option allows you to see relevant works related to that Justice including links to articles and a bibliography of other works, along with links to scholarly articles. | 1789 | present | Jurisprudence & Legal History; Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Federal | |||
History Vault: African American Police League Records, 1961-1988 (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/aaplr | History Vault: African American Police League Records, 1961-1988 (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Archival materials from the African American Police League (based in Chicago) and its education and action arm, the League to Improve the Community. Also contains items on numerous law enforcement and civil rights organizations across the country, including the National Black Police Association. | 1961 | 1988 | General | Local | |||
History Vault: Law and Society Since the Civil War: American Legal Manuscripts from the Harvard Law School Library (1861-1976) (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hv-lssscw-almhlsl | History Vault: Law and Society Since the Civil War: American Legal Manuscripts from the Harvard Law School Library (1861-1976) (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Eleven archival collections covering three Supreme Court Justices, the first Black federal judge, high-profile cases, and developing ideologies and laws. Includes papers of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., William H. Hastie, Albert Levitt, Felix Frankfurter, Livingston Hall, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, Richard H. Field, Roscoe Pound, Sheldon Glueck, and Zechariah Chafee Jr., as well as Sacco-Vanzetti case papers. | 1861 | 1976 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal | |||
History Vault: Slavery and the Law (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/slavery-law | History Vault: Slavery and the Law (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Petitions on race, slavery, and free blacks that were submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses between 1775 and 1867.Also includes a comprehensive record of the state laws governing American slavery from 1789-1865. | 1775 | 1867 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | State; Local | |||
History Vault: Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and Order in 19th Century America (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hv-sstlo | History Vault: Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and Order in 19th Century America (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Digitized collection of primary source materials documenting the international and domestic traffic in slaves in Britain’s New World colonies and the United States. | 1636 | 1880 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; State | |||
Human Rights Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/humanrights | Human Rights Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Human Rights; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Hurst Collection (J. Willard) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hurst | Hurst Collection (J. Willard) | Anyone anywhere | [Collection link is being redirected to an archived version at Internet Archive while the collection is being migrated to a new interface.] The J. Willard Hurst Collection details the career of the man commonly identified as the father of modern American legal history.Hurst was a professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School, where he developed the field of American legal economic history through his scholarship and teaching.The collection includes Hurst's personal outlines and notes; course texts; publications; publication reviews; research notes; correspondence (incoming and outgoing); personnel records; photographs; audio recordings; and typewriter. | 1932 | 1997 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Wisconsin; Federal | |||
IEL Intellectual Property | https://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=https://kluwerlawonline.com/Encyclopedias/IEL+Intellectual+Property/723 | IEL Intellectual Property | UW-Madison users anywhere | Also known as International Encyclopaedia of Laws - Intellectual Property. Provides an overview of intellectual property legislation, policy, theory and practice in different countries. Also includes information on important international conventions and international organizations. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
IMF Data including International Financial Statistics (IFS) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/intfinstats | IMF Data including International Financial Statistics (IFS) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Statistics on international and domestic finance, and reports, for most countries of the world, current and historical data on exchange rates, international liquidity, international banking, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions, government accounts, and national accounts. | 1948 | present | Business Organizations & Corporations | Federal; Foreign & International | monthly | ||
Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-immigration | Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A compilation of historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law. Includes BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories, law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and other related works. | 1800 | present | Immigration Law | Federal | |||
Immigration Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/immigration | Immigration Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Immigration Law | Federal | |||||
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/iflp | Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Index to world-wide legal literature on all forms of foreign law. Covers foreign law, comparative law, and legal systems. Includes journal articles, reports, essays, yearbooks, and book reviews in a variety of languages. | 1985 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Legal Research | Foreign & International | |||
Index to Legal Periodical Literature, Jones & Chipman (Paratext Eight Centuries) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/19thcenturymasterfile | Index to Legal Periodical Literature, Jones & Chipman (Paratext Eight Centuries) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Jones & Chipman was the first index that attempted to provide a comprehensive and systematic index to English language legal periodicals. In the Advanced Search, select Source: Index to Legal Periodical Literature | 1786 | 1937 | General | Federal; All States | |||
Index to Legal Periodicals & Books (Full Text and Retrospective combined search) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/ilpb | Index to Legal Periodicals & Books (Full Text and Retrospective combined search) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Index to legal periodicals, court decisions, legislation and more. Full text coverage for selected periodicals is also available. Law books are indexed beginning in 1993. Covers all areas of law from the United States and Commonwealth countries. Searches both Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Full Text and Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981. | 1908 | present | Legal Research; General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | 6 | ||
India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department (Gale) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/india-usdosrecords | India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department (Gale) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of India, from 1945 to 1949. | 1945 | 1949 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; India | |||
India Legal Research Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/india | India Legal Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; India | |||||
India-Pakistan Conflict: Records of the U.S. Department of State, February 1963-1966 (Gale) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/india-pakistan-conflict | India-Pakistan Conflict: Records of the U.S. Department of State, February 1963-1966 (Gale) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of India and Pakistan, from 1963 to 1966. | 1963 | 1966 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; India; Pakistan | |||
Indigenous Law Portal (LLMC) | http://www.llmc.com/Indigenous/Home.aspx | Indigenous Law Portal (LLMC) | Anyone anywhere | The Indigenous Law Portal brings together collection materials from the Law Library of Congress as well as links to tribal websites and primary source materials found on the internet. Organized by state, then by tribes within the state. Originally created by the Law Library of Congress, it has been developed by LLMC since 2019. | present | Indigenous Peoples | Federal; All States; Wisconsin | ||||
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/ailc | Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Full-text legal materials by and about indigenous peoples of the United States, including treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence. (Formerly known as HeinOnline American Indian Law Collection) | 1700s | present | Indigenous Peoples | Federal; Wisconsin; All States | |||
Intellectual Property Law Collection (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-intprop | Intellectual Property Law Collection (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Contains more than 100 legislative histories from 1909 to date, more than 270 books, Code of Federal Regulations Title 37, U.S. Code Titles 17 & 35, Manual of Patent Examining Procedure, and the Trademark of Manual Examining Procedure. | 1909 | present | Intellectual Property | Federal | |||
International Commercial Arbitration Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/intlcommarbitration | International Commercial Arbitration Guide | Anyone anywhere | A guide to research resources in International Commercial Arbitration | Business Organizations & Corporations | Foreign & International | |||||
International Constitutional Law Project (Berne University) | http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/ | International Constitutional Law Project (Berne University) | Anyone anywhere | English texts and background materials about constitutions and other constitutional documents worldwide. Also includes access to the German Case Law Project (GLAW), in German, sometimes with a brief English translation. Features extensive links to national constitutional courts, and to other sources of legal (especially international and constitutional) law on the Internet. | 2016 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
International Court of Justice (United Nations) | http://www.icj-cij.org/en | International Court of Justice (United Nations) | Anyone anywhere | Contains information about the Court, including its history, role, functioning, jurisdiction, finances, and biographical information on its judges, with photographs. Provides access to complete texts of the United Nations Charter, the Statute of the Court, and ICJ current press releases. Includes all cases brought before the Court. | 1946 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | daily | ||
International Encyclopaedia of Laws - Intellectual Property | https://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=https://kluwerlawonline.com/Encyclopedias/IEL+Intellectual+Property/723 | International Encyclopaedia of Laws - Intellectual Property | UW-Madison users anywhere | See: IEL Intellectual Property | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
iPad Apps for Lawyers, Law Faculty and Law Students Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/ipadappsforlawyers | iPad Apps for Lawyers, Law Faculty and Law Students Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to iPad applications for legal professionals. | General | ||||||
Islamic Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/islamiclaw | Islamic Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
JSTOR | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/jstor | JSTOR | UW-Madison users anywhere | Selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, and other fields. Coverage begins with volume one of each title and ends about two to five years before the most recently published volume. | varies | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | |||
Judicial Statistics, Verdicts & Sentencing Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/judicialstatistics | Judicial Statistics, Verdicts & Sentencing Guide | Anyone anywhere | Information on jury awards and verdicts, criminal sentencing, and court statistics. | Criminal Law & Procedure; Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Wisconsin; Federal; All States | |||||
Justia Dockets & Filings | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/justia-dockets | Justia Dockets & Filings | Anyone anywhere | Case information from the U.S. Federal District Courts and U.S. Courts of Appeal. Some cases also include opinions, orders, and other filings. | 2004 | present | General | Federal | daily | ||
Kluwer Arbitration | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/kluwer-arbitration | Kluwer Arbitration | UW Law users anywhere | Full-text primary and secondary materials and commentary in the field of arbitration.This includes Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), court decisions & arbitral awards, legislation, rules, conventions, commentary and news. | present | Civil Procedure; Trial & Trial Practice | Foreign & International | daily | |||
Labor and Employment: The American Worker (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-laborlaw | Labor and Employment: The American Worker (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Government documents, books, and articles concerning legal aspects of the American workplace. Government documents include Congressional hearings, GAO Reports, CRS Reports, committee prints and more. Topics include the labor rights movement, minimum wage, the 40-hour workweek, workplace hazards and safety regulation, and equity in the workplace. | 1798 | present | General | Federal | |||
Law in Eastern Europe (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-leebs | Law in Eastern Europe (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | The Law in Eastern Europe book series, published by Brill, covers the development, enactment, and impact of the rule of law in Eastern Europe. Per the agreement with the publisher, there is a 2 volume delay. | 1951 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Eastern Europe | |||
Law Journal Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/heinonline | Law Journal Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Legal periodicals in PDF beginning with the earliest volumes. | 1788 | present | General | Federal; All States | daily | ||
Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln | http://www.lawpracticeofabrahamlincoln.org/Search.aspx | Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln | Anyone anywhere | Original documents from Lincoln's law practice, including facts about cases and non-litigation activities handled by Lincoln and his law partners. | 1836 | 1861 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; States | |||
Law.com | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/law-dot-com | Law.com | UW Law users anywhere | Legal news and analysis from ALM publications, including American Lawyer, National Law Journal, and Supreme Court Brief. The Law Library's subscription includes access to all content except Legal Week. UW Law users can receive newsletters or search alerts on topics of interest. | present | General | |||||
Law.com International | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/law-dot-com-international | Law.com International | UW Law users anywhere | Global legal news and analysis. UW Law users can receive newsletters or search alerts on topics of interest. | present | General | Foreign & International | ||||
Law.com Legal Dictionary | http://dictionary.law.com | Law.com Legal Dictionary | Anyone anywhere | An easy to use legal dictionary, with cross references for many terms. | Legal Research | Federal; States; Foreign & International | |||||
Law360 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/law360 | Law360 | UW Law users anywhere | Daily legal news updates about litigation developments across the US and news about major transactions, hires and developments at the top US law firms. UW Law users can subscribe to email newsletters by logging in with their Lexis ID and password. | General | Federal; States | daily | ||||
Lawcite | http://www.austlii.edu.au/LawCite/ | Lawcite | Anyone anywhere | An international legal case citator. Given citations to cases and journal articles, one can locate citing reference with links in full text. The world-wide coverage enables a researcher to see where the case or journal article is being used in the world's courts. LawCite is sponsored by AustLII. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
LawInfoChina (PKULaw) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/pkulaw | LawInfoChina (PKULaw) | UW-Madison users anywhere | See: PKULaw (ChinaLawInfo/LawInfoChina) | 1949 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; China | daily | ||
Lawyer Locator (Martindale) | http://www.martindale.com/Find-Lawyers-and-Law-Firms.aspx | Lawyer Locator (Martindale) | Anyone anywhere | Directory of lawyers and law firms in the United States and internationally. | present | Lawyering & the Practice of Law | All States; Foreign & International | ||||
Legal Classics (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-legal-classics | Legal Classics (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Thousands of full text works from important legal scholars of the 16th to early 20th centuries. | 1500s | 1900s | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||
Legal Forms & Contracts Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/formscontracts | Legal Forms & Contracts Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Contracts; Lawyering & the Practice ofLaw | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
Legal Information for the Public (State Bar of Wisconsin) | http://www.wisbar.org/forPublic/INeedInformation/Pages/i-need-information.aspx | Legal Information for the Public (State Bar of Wisconsin) | Anyone anywhere | Legal information and educational resources. | present | General | Wisconsin | ||||
Legal Information Institute (LII) (Cornell) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/ | Legal Information Institute (LII) (Cornell) | Anyone anywhere | An open access resource with guides to understanding state and federal law. Includes links to legislation, state and federal codes and Wex, the legal encyclopedia. | General | Federal; All States | daily | ||||
LegalDockets.com | http://legaldockets.com/wisconsin/ | LegalDockets.com | Anyone anywhere | Portal featuring an extensive collection of links to free and fee-based (PACER) sources of court dockets for federal, state, and local courts. Other court documents (opinions, orders, etc.) and criminal record databases are linked when available. | present | General | Federal; All States; Wisconsin | ||||
Lexis+ (LexisNexis for Law Schools) | http://lawschool.lexis.com | Lexis+ (LexisNexis for Law Schools) | UW Law users anywhere | Extensive collection of legal, news, reference, and business sources. Contains primary legal resources (cases, statutes, regulations, etc.) and secondary materials (journal articles, worldwide news, business sources, etc.). Non Law School users may use Nexis Uni. To receive a LexisNexis for Law Schools password, you must be an authorized user affiliated with the Law School. Incoming Law students will receive their passwords at orientation. Contact Kris Turner for assistance with LexisNexis for Law Schools passwords. | varies | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | daily | 7 | |
LGBTQ+ Rights (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-lgbtq | LGBTQ+ Rights (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Legal materials and supporting documents charting the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the United States and legal aspects of gender identity and sexual orientation. Includes legal documents as well as articles, books, pamphlets, and reports. Subcollections: Marriage and Family, Employment Discrimination, Military Service, AIDS and Health Care, Public Spaces and Accommodations, and Historical Attitudes and Analysis. | 1813 | present | General | federal; All States | |||
Library Catalog (University of Wisconsin) | http://search.library.wisc.edu/ | Library Catalog (University of Wisconsin) | Anyone anywhere | Catalog of books, journals, and other materials owned by UW-Madison, UW System libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society. Includes free and licensed electronic resources. | present | General | daily | ||||
Library Guide for Cite Checkers | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/citecheck | Library Guide for Cite Checkers | Anyone anywhere | This guide presents resources and strategies to assist students with citation checking, emphasizing sources that provide pdf images of documents wherever possible. | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||||
Lincoln Collection Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/lincoln_collection | Lincoln Collection Guide | Anyone anywhere | This guide serves as a basic catalog to the Lincoln Collection available at the UW Law Library. | General | Federal; All States; Legal History | |||||
LLMC Digital | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/llmc | LLMC Digital | UW-Madison users anywhere | Case law, legislation, regulations and other materials from the U.S. (federal, states, military, Native American), Canada, UK and other foreign countries. Coverage is especially good for older materials, although some newer content is available including California Records and Briefs. | 1700s | present | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History; Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Indigenous Peoples; Legislation | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||
Low-Cost Legal Resources in Dane County Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/lowcost | Low-Cost Legal Resources in Dane County Guide | Anyone anywhere | Comprehensive listing of agencies in Dane County which offer low cost legal assistance programs. | General | Local | |||||
Madison (City of) Code of Ordinances | http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=50000&sid=49 | Madison (City of) Code of Ordinances | Anyone anywhere | Full text of Madison ordinances. | present | Local Government Law | Local | quarterly | |||
Madison (City of) Legislative Information Center | http://www.cityofmadison.com/cityhall/legislativeinformation/ | Madison (City of) Legislative Information Center | Anyone anywhere | Legislative documents including legislative files, agendas, minutes, etc. for the City Council and its committees. | present | Local Government Law | Local | daily | |||
Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-aclu | Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990 | UW-Madison users anywhere | A collection of primary source documents detailing the ACLU's work on civil rights, civil liberties, race, gender, and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court. Includes papers of the ACLU national organization and its Southern Regional Office. Documents include court documents, case files, project files, correspondence, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and more. | 1912 | 1990 | General | Federal; All State | |||
Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-fps | Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 | UW-Madison users anywhere | Four centuries of historical legal codes, statutes, regulations, and code-related commentaries from jurisdictions around the world. | 1600 | 1970 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative, and International Law, 1600-1926 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-mmlf | Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative, and International Law, 1600-1926 | UW-Madison users anywhere | Treatises and similar monographs in foreign, comparative, and international law, including Roman law, Islamic law, Jewish law, and ancient law. Principal countries covered are Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, and Switzerland. | 1600 | 1926 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml | Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 | UW-Madison users anywhere | Over 22,000 legal treatises from the 19th- and early 20th- century.Covers all aspects of American and British law and encompasses a range of analytical, theoretical and practical literature for research in American and British legal history. | 1800 | 1926 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-ps | Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources | UW-Madison users anywhere | Four centuries of American legal primary sources. Published records of the American colonies; federal, state, territorial, and municipal codes; constitutional conventions and compilations; and other resources. | 1620 | 1979 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; All States; Local | |||
Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-mmlt | Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926 | UW-Madison users anywhere | Documents from trials in the United States, Britain and other English-speaking jurisdictions. Includes unofficially published accounts of trials; official trial documents, briefs, and arguments; and official records of legislative proceedings, administrative proceedings, and arbitration sessions. | 1600 | 1926 | Jurisprudence & Legal History; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-scrb | Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978 | UW-Madison users anywhere | Records and briefs brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in over 150,000 cases between 1832 and 1978. The collection does not include the Court's rulings, opinions or decisions, but focuses on the legal documents and records presented to the Court. | 1832 | 1978 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Manupatra | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/manupatra | Manupatra | UW Law users anywhere | A database of legal materials from India, including the full text of cases from the Supreme Court of India, the state High Courts, and courts during the colonial period. Also includes national and state legislation, bills from the central parliament, committee reports, and more. | late 1800s | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; India | Daily | ||
Marquette University Libraries | http://marquette.edu/library/ | Marquette University Libraries | Anyone anywhere | Catalog of books, journals, and other materials owned by Marquette University, including the collections of the Eckstein Law Library. Includes free and licensed electronic resources. | present | General | daily | ||||
Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/mips | Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies | UW-Madison users anywhere | Multimedia collection of text, government documents, ephemera, interviews, and documentaries covering historical and contemporary themes of mass incarceration and prison infrastructure. | present | General | Federal; Foreign & International | ||||
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/mpil | Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of international law. Includes both Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Legal Research | Foreign & International | monthly | |||
Mental Health Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/mentalhealth | Mental Health Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Health & Medicine | Federal; All States | |||||
MetaLib (GPO) | http://metalib.gpo.gov/V/MRDJBECK5I1BYCKQD78PGVT43BPB4X36N9TQ6U87LJKBM5QIIB-18716?func=meta-1 | MetaLib (GPO) | Anyone anywhere | Simultaneously search multiple government publication databases, including govinfo, the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, and the Library of Congress with a single search. | present | General | Federal | daily | |||
Mexico Legal Research Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/mexico | Mexico Legal Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to Mexican legal materials (primarily federal) online and at the UW-Law Library. Sources are mainly in Spanish; annotations are given in English where deemed necessary. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Mexico | |||||
Military and Government (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-milandgov | Military and Government (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Government documents and other publications related to the history and administration of the United States military. Also includes some titles on English military history. | 1700 | present | General | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Military and Government Collection (EBSCOhost) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/militaryandgov | Military and Government Collection (EBSCOhost) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Provides an index and some full-text journals and pamphlets containing current news pertaining to all branches of the military. | 1961 | present | General | Federal | |||
Milwaukee (City of) Legislative Research Center | http://milwaukee.legistar.com | Milwaukee (City of) Legislative Research Center | Anyone anywhere | Legislative documents including legislative files, agendas, minutes, video, etc. for the Common Council and its boards and commissions. | present | Local Government Law | Local | daily | |||
Milwaukee (City of) Ordinances | http://city.milwaukee.gov/ordinances#.VP4NAeFciu8 | Milwaukee (City of) Ordinances | Anyone anywhere | Full text of Milwaukee City Charter and Code of Ordinances. | present | Local Government Law | Local | ||||
Milwaukee County Law Library | http://wilawlibrary.gov/about/locations.html#mcll | Milwaukee County Law Library | Anyone anywhere | MCLL serves the legal information needs of judges, attorneys, and the general public by providing reference and research assistance, training, and forms sales and distribution. | present | General | Wisconsin | ||||
Mintel Reports | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/mintel | Mintel Reports | UW-Madison users anywhere | European, UK-specific, and US consumer intelligence reports which analyze market sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. UW-Madison NetID required. | 1998 | varies | Business Organizations & Corporations | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Multinational Sources Compared (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-mustcomp | Multinational Sources Compared (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A searchable finding aid describing sources that compare multiple jurisdictions on focused subjects. These print and electronic sources contain full-text legislation, statutory citation, or other references to primary law. | 2011 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/nccusl | National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | The source of more than 250 Uniform Acts, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) has drafted and proposed acts in subjects areas such as commercial law, real estate, alternate dispute resolution, domestic relations law, adoption, arbitration, deceptive trade practices, healthcare and more. This collection contains the archives of the NCCUSL, scholarly articles on Uniform Laws, related works and a bibliography. | back | 1891 | Legal Research | Federal; All States | |||
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Virtual Library | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/ncjrs | National Criminal Justice Reference Service Virtual Library | Anyone anywhere | Abstracts of publications on criminal justice, including government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research as compiled by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Includes some links to full-text resources. New additions to NCJRS can be viewed weekly or delivered to you via email. | 1970s | present | Criminal Law & Procedure; Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Federal; All States; Local | |||
National Inventory of the Collateral Consequences of Conviction | https://niccc.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/ | National Inventory of the Collateral Consequences of Conviction | Anyone anywhere | Lists federal and state laws and regulations that restrict employment, housing, and education benefits and other opportunities for people with convictions for all U.S. jurisdictions. Search by state, federal or keyword. | General | Federal; All States | |||||
National Law Journal | http://libproxy.law.wisc.edu/login?url=https://www.law.com/nationallawjournal/ | National Law Journal | UW Law users anywhere | Legal news and analysis from ALM publications, including American Lawyer, National Law Journal, and Supreme Court Brief. The library's subscription includes access to all publications except Legal Week. UW Law users can receive newsletters or search alerts on topics of interest. | 2001 | present | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | daily | ||
National People's Congress (NPC) Database | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/nationalpeoplescongress | National People's Congress (NPC) Database | UW-Madison users anywhere | The National People's Congress is the highest state body and the unicameral legislative house in the People's Republic of China. The database includes reports on the NPC such as: Deputy Lists, Agendas, Conference Updates, Documents and Reports, Resolutions and Statements, Leaders Activities, Selected Proposals, Suggestions of the Deputies, News Reports, Pictures, Press Conferences, Important Commentaries, Video Reports, etc. | 1955 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
National Survey of State Laws (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/nssl | National Survey of State Laws (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | This database version of Rich Leiter's National Survey of State Laws provides an overall view of some of the most sought-after and controversial legal topics in the United States. Users are able to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws. The new 7th edition, along with the 6th and 5th editions, are included in database format, which also allows users to compare the same laws as they existed in 2005, 2008 and 2015. All print editions are included in PDF format. | 2005 | 2015 | Legal Research; General | All States | |||
Native American Law & Legal Sources Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/nativeamericanlaw | Native American Law & Legal Sources Guide | Anyone anywhere | An introduction to legal materials available at the UW Law Library on Native Americans, including indigenous peoples of Alaska and Hawaii. Includes treaties, statutes, executive orders, court decisions, and administrative actions. | Indigenous Peoples | Federal; All States | |||||
New York Times (nytimes.com) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/nytimes | New York Times (nytimes.com) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Complete run of the New York Times newspaper on nytimes.com. Requires registration with @wisc.edu email account. Includes International, Spanish, and Chinese editions. | 1851 | present | General | ||||
Newspaper Guide | http://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/newspapers | Newspaper Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Libraries and online. | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||||
Newspaper Source Plus | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/newspapersource | Newspaper Source Plus | Anyone in Wisconsin | Articles from national, international, and Wisconsin newspapers, plus other news sources and news wires. The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and Wisconsin State Journal,Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Wisconsin Law Journal are all included. | General | Federal; State; Local; Foreign & International | daily | ||||
Nexis Uni | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/nexisuni | Nexis Uni | UW-Madison users anywhere | Legal, news, reference and business sources. Legal material includes United States federal and state case law, codes, and regulations, as well as law reviews and legal news. Foreign and international primary sources are also included. Nexis Uni has replaced LexisNexis Academic. | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | daily | 8 | ||
Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises Index | http://microformguides.gale.com/SearchForm.asp | Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises Index | Anyone anywhere | Indexes works relevant to legal theory and history printed in the United States and the United Kingdom during the nineteenth century. Use the collection filter to limit to "Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises". | 1800 | 1900 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Nolo's Plain English Law Dictionary | http://www.nolo.com/glossary.cfm | Nolo's Plain English Law Dictionary | Anyone anywhere | A dictionary containing plain English definitions for hundreds of legal terms. | present | Legal Research | Federal; States | ||||
OED Online (Oxford English Dictionary) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oed | OED Online (Oxford English Dictionary) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Contains the complete contents of the 20-volume Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. | present | General | Federal; All States | quarterly | |||
Office of Treaty Affairs (U.S. Dept. of State) | https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/treaty-affairs/ | Office of Treaty Affairs (U.S. Dept. of State) | Anyone anywhere | The U.S. Government Repository for U.S. Treaties and other international agreements. Includes Treaties in Force, the U.S. Treaties & Other International Acts series, and more. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Federal; Foreign & International | |||||
Official Publications of India | http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/southasia/off-pubs.html | Official Publications of India | Anyone anywhere | Official government document publications of India related to pre- and post-Independence South Asia. The Official Publications were most often defined by enumeration of holdings at the British Library's two major collections -- the Oriental and India Office Collections (formerly the India Office Library and Records) and the Official Publications Section of the former British Museum, now integrated into Social Policy Information Service at the British Library -- rather than by abstract statements of principle. Some titles were included under the rubric of "Official" even though they were not published by a government body, apparently because they supported the work of governance in the South Asian subcontinent. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Oxford Bibliographies: International Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oxford-bibs-intl-law | Oxford Bibliographies: International Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Frequently updated, authoritative research guides on topics in international law, combining aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oeeul | Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Articles on topics in European Union (EU) law, from foundational concepts to high-level analysis. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Oxford Handbooks Online | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oxford-handbooks | Oxford Handbooks Online | UW-Madison users anywhere | Oxford Handbooks provide in-depth, high-level scholarly research reviews covering key issues and current debates. They are cataloged by title in our library catalog and also can be searched here as one database. Subscribed subject modules: Archaeology, Business & Management, Economics & Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, and Religion. Years of purchased content vary by subject area. Law content is purchased/accessible up to 2023. | current | General | Federal; State; Local; Foreign & International | ||||
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/ielh | Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History | UW-Madison users anywhere | Encyclopedia of legal history from ancient to modern times.Articles explore the traditions of Ancient Greek Law, Ancient Roman Law, Medieval Roman Law, Chinese Law, English Common Law, Islamic Law, United States Law, and the laws of such other regions as Africa, Latin America, and South Asia. | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||||
Oxford International Organizations | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oxio | Oxford International Organizations | UW-Madison users anywhere | A database of annotated documents pertaining to the law of international organizations. Each document is accompanied by expert commentary on the context and impact of the document. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Oxford Reference - Law | https://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=https://www.oxfordreference.com/page/law-subject/law | Oxford Reference - Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Titles include The Oxford Companion to American Law, The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia, A Dictionary of Law, A Dictionary of Law Enforcement, The New Oxford Companion to Law, The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States, and The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions | present | General; Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges; Criminal Law & Procedure | Foreign & International; Federal | ||||
Oxford Reports on International Courts of General Jurisdiction | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oril | Oxford Reports on International Courts of General Jurisdiction | UW-Madison users anywhere | Contentious and advisory cases from the International Court of Justice and Permanent Court of International Justice. | 2000 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/orildc | Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts | UW-Madison users anywhere | Case law from approximately 70 foreign jurisdictions, focusing on significant issues in international law. Includes English translations. | 1800 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Oxford US Constitutional Law | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/oxcon | Oxford US Constitutional Law | UW-Madison users anywhere | Includes full text of current and historical United States state constitutions. Also includes the Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the US series, which offers article-by-article commentaries on most states' constitutions and their historical development. | 1776 | present | Constitutional Law; Legal Research | Federal; All States | |||
Oyez | http://www.oyez.org/ | Oyez | Anyone anywhere | A multimedia archive devoted to the Supreme Court of the United States, providing the audio of oral arguments from cases before the Supreme Court. | 1955 | present | General | Federal | |||
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/pais | PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) | UW-Madison users anywhere | An index to world-wide literature concerning public policy, social policy, and the social sciences. Includes journal articles, books, government documents, statistical compilations, committee reports, directories, and more. | 1972 | present | Law, Politics & Society | Federal; Foreign & International | daily | ||
Pakistan from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department (Gale) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/pakistan-usdosrecords | Pakistan from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department (Gale) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Pakistan, from 1945 to 1949. | 1945 | 1949 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Pakistan | |||
Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law Publications (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=parker | Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law Publications (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Papers and articles by noted scholars on foreign and comparative law, with an emphasis on historical materials. Covers over 200 years worth of scholarship, and includes Szladits' Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law, a source for locating articles in English dealing with non-common law legal systems. | 1793 | late 1900s | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Patent Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/patentlaw | Patent Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Intellectual Property | Federal | |||||
Peru Legal Research Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/perulaw | Peru Legal Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Peru | |||||
Philip C. Jessup Library (Moot Court) (HeinOnline) | http://ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/login?url=http://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?collection=jessup | Philip C. Jessup Library (Moot Court) (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Journals on international law as well as the Philip Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition Compendium. | 1960 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Human Rights | Foreign & International | |||
PKULaw (ChinaLawInfo/LawInfoChina) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/pkulaw | PKULaw (ChinaLawInfo/LawInfoChina) | UW-Madison users anywhere | In Chinese and English. Includes nearly comprehensive coverage of laws and regulations from China (1949-present) promulgated by the Chinese governments and local governments. Coverage for cases is selective. Also includes secondary legal information such as white papers, law journal articles, legal news, and more. Single user only. | 1949 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; China | |||
Practical Law (Thomson Reuters) | https://1.next.westlaw.com/Browse/Home/PracticalLaw | Practical Law (Thomson Reuters) | UW Law users anywhere | Model transactional documents (with legal drafting and negotiating tips), step-by-step checklists, timelines, handy overviews of transactional practice areas and legal updates on the latest market developments. Law School users can access Practical Law using their Westlaw ID. | present | Business Organizations & Corporations; Contracts; Taxation; Labor & Employment; Property | Federal; States; Foreign & International | ||||
Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases (Supreme Court Briefs) (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-preview | Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases (Supreme Court Briefs) (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | United States Supreme Court briefs since the 1973/74 term. Cases can be searched by docket number, case name, decided date, term, or Preview subject. Also includes the publication Preview of the United States Supreme Court Cases for the 1973/1974 term through the present. | 1973 | present | General | Federal | |||
Proceedings of the Old Bailey | http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/ | Proceedings of the Old Bailey | Anyone anywhere | Criminal trials held at London's central criminal court including biographical details of the men and women executed at Tyburn. Contains all surviving editions of the Old Bailey Proceedings from 1674 to 1913 and of the Ordinary of Newgate's Accounts between 1676 and 1772. | 1674 | 1913 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
ProQuest Congressional | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/congressionalpublications | ProQuest Congressional | UW-Madison users anywhere | Index and many full text publications of the United States Congress since 1789. Includes acts (laws), bills and resolutions, committee reports and documents, conference committee reports, hearings testimony, selective legislative histories, the Congressional Record (bound & daily editions), the Serial Set, Executive Branch Documents, and more. | 1789 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | 9 | |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/proquesthn-chicago | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune | UW-Madison users anywhere | The Chicago Tribune and Chicago Daily Tribune in PDF format since its beginning year. More recent years are available through ProQuest Newspapers. | 1849 | 1993 | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; States; Local; Foreign & International | |||
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/proquesthn-latimes | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times | UW-Madison users anywhere | The Los Angeles Times in PDF format since its beginning year. More recent years are available through ProQuest Newspapers. | 1881 | 1993 | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; States; Local; Foreign & International | |||
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Times | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/proquesthn | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Times | UW-Madison users anywhere | The New York Times in PDF format since its beginning year. More recent years are available through ProQuest Newspapers. | 1851 | 2013 | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; States; Local; Foreign & International | |||
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune / Herald Tribune | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hn-ny-tribune-herald | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune / Herald Tribune | UW-Madison users anywhere | Full-text, fully-searchable, coverage of the New York Tribune, and its merged successor newspaper the New York Herald Tribune. | 1841 | 1962 | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; States; Local; Foreign & International | |||
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Wall Street Journal | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hn-wallstreetj | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Wall Street Journal | UW-Madison users anywhere | Full text, fully searchable, of all issues of the Wall Street Journal for 1889-1995. | 1889 | 1999 | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; States; Local; Foreign & International | |||
ProQuest Indian Claims Insight | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/indian-claims-insight | ProQuest Indian Claims Insight | UW-Madison users anywhere | Trace the history of specific claims made by tribal nations against the United States and access associated full text documents. Includes docket histories, court documents, treaties, congressional publications, and maps. | 1789 | present | Indigenous Peoples | Federal | |||
ProQuest Legislative Insight | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/legislative-insight | ProQuest Legislative Insight | UW-Madison users anywhere | A complete collection of publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking, useful for compiling a federal legislative history. PDFs include the public law, all bill versions, floor debate from the Congressional Record, committee reports, conference committee reports, hearings, and prints. Also included are Presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and other miscellaneous congressional publications. Note that only enacted laws are included. For bills which were not enacted, see ProQuest Congressional. | 1789 | 2024 | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | 10 | |
ProQuest One Business | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/proquest-onebusiness | ProQuest One Business | UW-Madison users anywhere | Business database featuring full-text scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more. | present | Business Organizations & Corporations | |||||
ProQuest Regulatory Insight | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/regulatory-insight | ProQuest Regulatory Insight | UW-Madison users anywhere | U.S. federal administrative law histories organized by federal statute and executive order, as well as Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations content. Also includes a regulatory research tool organized by federal agency. | 1935 | 2024 | General; Legislation | Federal | |||
ProQuest Supreme Court Insight | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/supreme-court-insight | ProQuest Supreme Court Insight | UW-Madison users anywhere | Full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per decision, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Content from 1933-1974 is currently incomplete as the publisher is still loading content. Also includes paid cases not heard by the Supreme Court (certiorari denied) back to 1975, including dockets, petitions for writ of certiorari, and all petition stage briefs. | 1933 / 1934 term | 2023 / 2024 term | General | Federal | |||
Provincial Statutes of Canada (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-psc | Provincial Statutes of Canada (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Public and private acts passed by Canadian provincial governments. Historical and revised content is available for all provinces, but current content is available only for Alberta, British Colombia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. | 1758 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Public International Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/publicinternationallaw | Public International Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||||
Readings on Law, Race, and Inclusive Teaching (Guide) | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/law-race-and-inclusive-teaching | Readings on Law, Race, and Inclusive Teaching (Guide) | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | General | ||||||
Real Estate Transactions Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/realestatetransactions | Real Estate Transactions Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Property | Federal; Wisconsin | |||||
Reginfo.gov | https://www.reginfo.gov | Reginfo.gov | Anyone anywhere | Regulations from Federal agencies are tracked, categorized and made searchable on this government-funded site. Other tools include a reg map that lays out how regulations are processed, historical reports and regulatory plans. | 1981 | present | Legal Research | Federal | |||
Regulations.gov | http://www.regulations.gov | Regulations.gov | Anyone anywhere | Information on the development of Federal regulations and other related documents issued by the U.S. government. Through this site, you can find, read, and comment on regulatory issues. On Regulations.gov, you can find and comment on proposed regulations and related documents published by the U.S. Federal government. You can also find: Final Regulations, Notices, Scientific and Technical Findings, Guidance, Adjudications, Comments Submitted by Others, and The Unified Agenda and Regulatory Plan. | present | Legal Research | Federal | daily | |||
Religion and the Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-religion | Religion and the Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Books, periodicals, and bibliographies on the development, history, organization, and fundamental principles of various world religions. Also includes Christian Legal Society publications, an assortment of Canon Law, and rare historical bibles. | 1400s | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Foreign & International | |||
Researching Legal Topics Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/legaltopics | Researching Legal Topics Guide | Anyone anywhere | This guide is created to help legal researchers locate and organize material for scholarly legal research & writing projects, law review articles, student notes & seminar papers. | Legal Research | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||||
Revised Statutes of Canada (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=castatutes | Revised Statutes of Canada (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Complete coverage of all six revisions from the official printed volumes of the Revised Statutes of Canada in nearly 48,000 pages. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Canada | |||||
Sage Data | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/statistical-datasets | Sage Data | UW-Madison users anywhere | Statistical information produced by U.S. federal agencies, states, private organizations, and intergovernmental organizations. Build statistical tables and charts from multiple sources in a single interface. Formerly known as Data Planet Statistical Datasets. | 1930s | present | General | Federal; All States | |||
Sample Business Contracts (FindLaw Corporate Counsel Center) | https://corporate.findlaw.com/contracts.html | Sample Business Contracts (FindLaw Corporate Counsel Center) | Anyone anywhere | Sample contract language by industry, by type of contract, or company name. | Contracts | Federal; All States | |||||
Scottish Legal History (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/scottishlegalhistory | Scottish Legal History (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Official publications from the Stair Society including the Stair Society Main (Annual) Series and Supplementary Series. | 1936 | present | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Foreign & International | |||
Secondary Legal Sources Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/secondary | Secondary Legal Sources Guide | Anyone anywhere | This guide highlights a variety of secondary sources which are extremely useful in legal research. Many of these titles, authored by well-known legal scholars, are considered the definitive, go-to resource in an area of the law. Prosser on Torts, Collier on Bankruptcy and Corbin on Contracts are just a few examples in this legal classic genre. | General | Federal; All States; | |||||
Securities Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/businesssecurities | Securities Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Business Organizations & Corporations | Federal | |||||
Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/seldensociety | Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Primary publications from the Selden Society, including its annual series containing law reports dating back to the Middle Ages, and year books from the Ames Foundation. Also includes English Reports, Statutes of the Realm, and other digests, abridgments, and modern encyclopedias that formed the foundation of English law. | Middle Ages | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
Selected Recent Acquisitions | https://library.law.wisc.edu/recent-acquisitions/ | Selected Recent Acquisitions | Anyone anywhere | New books, videos, and government documents received by the UW Law Library each month, arranged by legal subject. To set up customized email delivery of recent acquisitions by subject, email recacq@law.wisc.edu. |
present | General | monthly | ||||
Serial Set (ProQuest Congressional) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/serial-set | Serial Set (ProQuest Congressional) | UW-Madison users anywhere | House and Senate Documents and Reports published by the United States Congress, as well as presidential communications, treaty materials, and official Civil War records. Serial Set content is searchable under three content types in ProQuest Congressional: House and Senate Documents/Reports, Maps, and Miscellaneous Publications. Miscellaneous Publications includes the House and Senate Journals and the American State Papers (predecessor to the Serial Set). | 1789 | 2024 | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
Session Laws Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-can-session-laws | Session Laws Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | This Library contains exact replications of the official bound session laws of all 50 states since inception, as well as Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. It also includes the D.C. Register and the Session Laws of the U.S. Federal Government, as well as the entire back file of the Acts of Parliament of Canada and Acts of Parliament of Australia. | 1700s | present | General; Legislation | State; Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-slavery | Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. Includes all state, colony, and federal statutes on slavery and state and federal cases related to slavery. Also includes pamphlets, books, and all Congressional debates from the Continental Congress to 1880. | back | 1700s | General; Legislation | State; Federal; Foreign & International | |||
Spinelli's Law Library Reference Shelf (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/spinellis-law-lib-ref-shelf | Spinelli's Law Library Reference Shelf (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Works, scholarly articles and tools for legal research, including AALL GD-SIS State Bibliographies, AALL Publication Series, Legal Dictionaries, Serials, Cataloging Publications, Bibliographies, Bibliography of Early American Law, Legal Research Guide Series, Memorials of Law Librarians and more. | 1500s | present | General | Federal; All States | |||
SSRN (Social Science Research Network) | http://papers.ssrn.com/ | SSRN (Social Science Research Network) | Anyone anywhere | New and forthcoming scholarship in a number of disciplines, including law, through the Legal Scholarship Network. Law faculty and staff can receive regular legal scholarship email updates on topics of interest. (Contact Kris Turner to register.) All users may follow new faculty and staff scholarship by subscribing to SSRN's UW Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series. |
1990s | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | daily | ||
State Attorney General Reports and Opinions (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-state-attorney | State Attorney General Reports and Opinions (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | State Attorney General Reports & Opinions for all fifty states as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Also includes the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States and the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice. | 1791 | present | General | Federal; All States | |||
State Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-statecon | State Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A collection of the constitutions of the 50 states of the United States, with related documents and resources. Includes original, consolidated, and current texts, as well as prestatehood materials. | 1656 | present | Constitutional Law | All States | |||
State Court Websites (National Center for State Courts) | https://www.ncsc.org/information-and-resources/state-court-websites | State Court Websites (National Center for State Courts) | Anyone anywhere | Judicial branch links focusing on the administrative office of the courts, the court of last resort, any intermediate appellate courts, and each trial court level. | present | Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Federal; States; Foreign & International | ||||
State of Wisconsin Collection | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WI | State of Wisconsin Collection | Anyone anywhere | The State of Wisconsin Collection brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary materials: writings about the State of Wisconsin and unique or valuable materials that relate to its history and ongoing development. | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Wisconsin | |||||
State of Wisconsin Employee Directory | https://stateempdir.wi.gov | State of Wisconsin Employee Directory | Anyone anywhere | Official state employee directory including phone numbers and email addresses. | present | General | Wisconsin | ||||
State of Wisconsin Government Websites | http://www.wisconsin.gov/Pages/government.aspx | State of Wisconsin Government Websites | Anyone anywhere | Directory of government websites including State of Wisconsin agencies, courts and legislature. Also includes links to federal, local, and tribal government websites. | General | Wisconsin; Federal | |||||
State Papers Online: Early Modern Government in Britain and Europe | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/statepapers | State Papers Online: Early Modern Government in Britain and Europe | UW-Madison users anywhere | English government documents originating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Information on every facet of English government, including social and economic affairs, law and order, religious policy, crown possessions and intelligence gathering, as well as Britain's international relations and foreign policy. Includes parts I, II, III and IV of the series. | 1509 | 1782 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Foreign & International | |||
State Reports: A Historical Archive (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-state-reports-archive | State Reports: A Historical Archive (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | A digital version of Hein's State Reports Checklist, including linking to the full text of historical state reports. | present | Jurisprudence & Legal History | All State | ||||
State Statutes: A Historical Archive (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-state-statutes-historical | State Statutes: A Historical Archive (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Historical superseded state statutes for all fifty states. | 1717 | present | Jurisprudence & Legal History | All States | |||
Statutes of the Realm (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=statore | Statutes of the Realm (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Acts of the Parliament of England and Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain passed through 1714 | 1235 | 1714 | Jurisprudence & Legal History; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; United Kingdom | |||
Statutes of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) | http://elaw.klri.re.kr/eng_service/main.do | Statutes of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) | Anyone anywhere | Full-text of around 800 statutes from the Republic of Korea in English, along with amendment history and articles. | 1945 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Korea | |||
Study Aids on Reserve Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/studyaids | Study Aids on Reserve Guide | Anyone anywhere | Comprehensive list of study aids available on Circulation Reserve organized by subject. All the items are kept behind the circulation desk on the fifth floor of the law school library. | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||||
Subject Compilations of State Laws (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-scsl | Subject Compilations of State Laws (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Index to articles, books, government documents, loose-leaf services, court opinions and Internet sites that compare state laws on hundreds of subjects. | 1960 | 2017 | General | All States | |||
Summaries of European Union Legislation | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/summaries-eu-legislation | Summaries of European Union Legislation | UW-Madison users anywhere | Fact sheets summarizing European Union legislation divided into 32 subject areas which are the Activities of the European Union. Includes summaries of existing measures, as well as a follow-up of legislative proposals in policies as diverse as External Relations and Employment and Social Affairs. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Legislation | Foreign & International | ||||
Supreme Court Brief | http://libproxy.law.wisc.edu/login?url=https://www.law.com/supremecourtbrief | Supreme Court Brief | UW Law users anywhere | A daily update on current issues and cases facing the US Supreme Court. News about updated arguments, petitions, rulings and more are covered, as well as articles about related events that pertain to the Supreme Court. UW Law users can receive newsletters or search alerts on topics of interest. | General | Federal | daily | ||||
Supreme Court Database | http://supremecourtdatabase.org | Supreme Court Database | Anyone anywhere | Contains over two hundred pieces of information about each case decided by the Court between the 1791 and 2021 terms. Examples include the identity of the court whose decision the Supreme Court reviewed, the parties to the suit, the legal provisions considered in the case, and the votes of the Justices. Users can compare cases, courts and years using a wide range of data fields and export or download their findings. | 1791 | 2021 | General | Federal | |||
Supreme Court of the United States | http://www.supremecourt.gov/ | Supreme Court of the United States | Anyone anywhere | The official Supreme Court site offers documents from the current term such as bench and slip opinions, dockets, calendar, and rules. | present | General | Federal | daily | |||
Tax Management Portfolios (Bloomberg Law) | https://www.bloomberglaw.com/product/tax | Tax Management Portfolios (Bloomberg Law) | UW Law users anywhere | Practical guidance for tax practitioners on specific tax topics. To receive a Bloomberg Law password, you must be an authorized user affiliated with the Law School. Law School users may request access by completing the form at the Bloomberg Law website. Contact Kris Turner for assistance with Bloomberg Law passwords. | present | Taxation | Federal | ||||
Tax Notes | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/tax-notes | Tax Notes | UW-Madison users anywhere | Individual registration required for access. Tax Notes Federal and Tax Notes State are weekly magazines featuring expert commentary, analysis, and special reports on taxation issues. Tax Notes Today Federal and Tax Notes Today State offer daily tax news and analysis, including primary source documents. Library subscription includes Tax Notes Federal and State, but not International. | 1972 | present | Taxation | Federal | daily | ||
Taxation & Economic Reform in America (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-tera | Taxation & Economic Reform in America (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | United States regulations, laws and legislative histories relating to tax and to economic reform and stimulus plans. Includes the Carlton Fox legislative history collection and the History of United States Tax Conventions (Manz). Subscription includes parts I & II of the database. | 1781 | 2011 | Taxation | Federal | |||
Technology Transfer & Commercialization of Intellectual Property Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/technologytransfer | Technology Transfer & Commercialization of Intellectual Property Guide | Anyone anywhere | Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. | Business Organizations & Corporations; Intellectual Property | Federal | |||||
TRAC (Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse) | http://trac.syr.edu/ | TRAC (Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse) | Anyone anywhere | Statistics on staffing, spending, and enforcement activities of the federal government. Data is collected via the Freedom of Information Act. Some information restricted to subscribing institutions. | 1989 | present | Legal Research; Law, Politics & Society | Federal | daily | ||
Trans-lex (Transnational law) | http://www.trans-lex.org/ | Trans-lex (Transnational law) | Anyone anywhere | A research platform for international law. Contains domestic statutes, international conventions, model laws, restatements and materials relevant for research in transnational law and international business law. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | ||||
Trends & Policy: U.S. Immigration (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/trends-policy-us-immigration | Trends & Policy: U.S. Immigration (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Connects United States immigration policies with data-driven results and trends of those policies, analytical reports, and news articles. Includes timelines, topic pages and data tools. | 1789 | present | Immigration Law | Federal | |||
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises Index | http://microformguides.gale.com/SearchForm.asp | Twentieth Century Legal Treatises Index | Anyone anywhere | Index to works relevant to legal theory and history printed in the United States and the United Kingdom during the early twentieth century. Use the collection filter to limit to "Twentieth Century Legal Treatises". | 1900 | 1926 | General; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||
U.K. Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hcparlipapers | U.K. Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Papers issued by the United Kingdom House of Commons including Bills and Acts, Command Papers, House of Commons Papers, Hansard (the official report of debates in Parliament), and supplementary material. | 1660 | 2004 | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Jurisprudence & Legal History | Foreign & International | |||
U.S. Code (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/ | U.S. Code (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | Generated from the most recent official version made available by the U.S. House of Representatives. Includes an update service. | present | Legislation | Federal | daily | |||
U.S. Code (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/USCODE | U.S. Code (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | Published every six years, with an annual supplement. | 1994 | present | Legislation | Federal | annually | ||
U.S. Code (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/united-states-code | U.S. Code (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | United States Code from the 1925-1926 edition through the present. With annual supplements. | 1925 | present | Legislation | Federal | annually | ||
U.S. Code (Library of Congress) | http://loc.gov/law/help/us-code.php | U.S. Code (Library of Congress) | Anyone anywhere | United States Code from the 1925-26 edition through 1988. The text is browsable and downloadable. | 1925 | 1988 | Legislation | Federal | |||
U.S. Congressional Documents (Rutgers) | http://njlaw.rutgers.edu/collections/gdoc/ | U.S. Congressional Documents (Rutgers) | Anyone anywhere | Selected full-text hearings and committee prints from the U.S. Congress. | 1970s | 1999 | General; Legislation | Federal | daily | ||
U.S. Congressional Documents Library (HeinOnline) | http://heinonline.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/HOL/Index?collection=congrec | U.S. Congressional Documents Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | This collection features the complete Congressional Record Bound version, as well as the daily version back to 1980. It also includes the three predecessor titles: Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837) Congressional Globe (1833-1873), and Congressional Hearings (1927-present), as well as other important congressional material. Using the Daily-to-Bound Locator Tool, you can quickly find a page in the Bound volume from the Daily edition. | 1789 | 1999 | General; Legislation | Federal | |||
U.S. Courts | http://www.uscourts.gov/ | U.S. Courts | Anyone anywhere | Clearinghouse of information from and about the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government. Contains background information about the court, rules, publications, links to federal appellate and district court websites, and links to federal appellate case law. | present | General | Federal | ||||
U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-usfedagency | U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Judicial opinions published by each federal agency. Notable titles include Decisions of the National Labor Relations Board (1934-present); Federal Communications Commission Record (1986-present); and Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletin (1919-present). | 1919 | present | General | Federal | |||
U.S. Federal Legislative History Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-lhl | U.S. Federal Legislative History Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Selected federal legislative histories published by the U.S. GPO and private publishers. Also includes the index, "Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories." | 1789 | present | Legislation | Federal | |||
U.S. International Trade Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-trade | U.S. International Trade Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Current and historical resources related to U.S. international trade including USITC Publications Archive, legislative histories, CFR & U.S. Code Title 15 and Title 19, notable publications, and scholarly articles. | 1800s | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
U.S. Presidential Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-pres | U.S. Presidential Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Includes Message and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the President, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and more. | 1897 | present | General | Federal | |||
U.S. Reports (Library of Congress) | https://www.loc.gov/law/help/us-reports.php | U.S. Reports (Library of Congress) | Anyone anywhere | Browse and download the full text of all U.S. Supreme Court Cases from 1754 to 2012. | 1754 | 2012 | Jurisprudence & Legal History; General | Federal | |||
U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-usfgov | U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Commitments entered into by individual U.S. states with foreign nations on topics ranging from ranging from economic development to environmental protection. | 1995 | present | General | State; Foreign & International | |||
U.S. Statutes at Large (govinfo) | https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/STATUTE | U.S. Statutes at Large (govinfo) | Anyone anywhere | The United States Statutes at Large contains both public and private laws published in numerical order. | 1951 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | |||
U.S. Statutes at Large (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-statutes | U.S. Statutes at Large (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Complete coverage of the Statutes at Large, containing both public and private laws published in numerical order, and treaties to 1950. | 1789 | present | General; Legislation | Federal | |||
U.S. Supreme Court Center (FindLaw) | http://supreme.lp.findlaw.com/supreme_court/resources.html | U.S. Supreme Court Center (FindLaw) | Anyone anywhere | Collection of primary materials by and about the US Supreme Court. Includes decisions since 1893 and orders, briefs, rules, court dockets and calendar since the October 1999 term. | General | Federal | daily | ||||
U.S. Supreme Court Justices Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/supremecourtjustices | U.S. Supreme Court Justices Guide | Anyone anywhere | The guide contains biographical and jurisprudential information about each current US Supreme Court justice as well as materials about the Court as a whole. | Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges; General | Federal | |||||
U.S. Supreme Court Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-us-scl | U.S. Supreme Court Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Complete coverage of U.S. Supreme Court opinions as well as preliminary prints, slip opinions, and books and periodicals related to the U.S. Supreme Court. | 1776 | present | Judicial Systems, Courts & Judges | Federal | |||
U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/moml-scrb | U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs | UW-Madison users anywhere | See: Making of Modern Law: US Supreme Court Records and Briefs 1832-1978 | 1832 | 1978 | Jurisprudence & Legal History | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
U.S. Treaties & Agreements Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-tal | U.S. Treaties & Agreements Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Comprehensive collection of United States treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet-officially published. Includes the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST) and the Treaties and International Acts Series (TIAS). | 1776 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
UK Treaties Online | https://treaties.fco.gov.uk | UK Treaties Online | Anyone anywhere | Index to treaties involving the United Kingdom. Contains selected links to the texts of Command Papers published in the Treaty Series | 1892 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; United Kingdom | |||
UNdata | http://data.un.org/ | UNdata | Anyone anywhere | This search service from the United Nations Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs offers access to statistics and datasets from the UN system. | varies | present | General | Foreign & International | |||
United Nations | https://www.un.org/en/ | United Nations | Anyone anywhere | The official site of the United Nations contains news and information about the UN and its bodies. The site is also the official portal to the UN Documentation system. | 1946 | present | General | Foreign & International | daily | ||
United Nations Codification Division Publications Global Search | http://legal.un.org/globalsearch/dtSearch/Search_Forms/dtSearch.html | United Nations Codification Division Publications Global Search | Anyone anywhere | Portal for simultaneous keyword searching across multiple types of UN publications, including International Law Commission documents (e.g. yearbooks), Proceedings of Diplomatic conferences, Summaries of ICJ judgments, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, Repertory of Practice of UN Organs, and the UN Juridical Yearbook. | 1949 | present | General | Foreign & International | |||
United Nations Digital Library | https://digitallibrary.un.org/ | United Nations Digital Library | Anyone anywhere | Official UN documents and publications, UN resolutions, speech and voting records, agendas, and maps. | 1946 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
United Nations Documentation Research Guide | http://research.un.org/en/docs/ | United Nations Documentation Research Guide | Anyone anywhere | An overview of the various types of documents and publications issued by the UN (e.g., reports, resolutions, meeting records, sales publications, press releases) and gives guidance on how to use them. | 1946 | present | General | Foreign & International | |||
United Nations Official Document System | https://documents.un.org/prod/ods.nsf/home.xsp | United Nations Official Document System | Anyone anywhere | All types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. | 1946 | present | General | Foreign & International | daily | ||
United Nations Treaty Collection | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/unitednationstreatycollection | United Nations Treaty Collection | Anyone anywhere | United Nations bilateral and multilateral treaties in full text as published in the United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS). Contains some multilateral treaties not yet appearing in UNTS. Also includes the League of Nations Treaty Series. Treaties available in their authentic language(s), along with a translation into English and French, as appropriate. | 1920 | present | General | Foreign & International | |||
University of Wisconsin Law School Digital Repository | http://repository.law.wisc.edu/ | University of Wisconsin Law School Digital Repository | Anyone anywhere | Freely-available resources that have been created by, or are associated with, faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin Law School. Includes faculty scholarship, oral histories, journals published by UW Law School, and a collection of materials concerning the 1983 Bhopal disaster. | 1900s | present | General | Federal; Foreign & International; All States; Local | 11 | ||
USA Trade Online | https://usatrade.census.gov/ | USA Trade Online | Anyone anywhere | Official source of current and cumulative U.S. export and import statistics. Uses the Harmonized System (HS) and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. Free registration required. | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Business Organizations & Corporations | Federal; Foreign & International | daily | ||||
USA.gov | http://www.usa.gov/ | USA.gov | Anyone anywhere | The U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state, and local government information, as well as Native American Tribal government information. | present | General | Federal; All States; Local | ||||
UW Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series (SSRN) | http://www.ssrn.com/link/u-wisconsin-legal-studies.html | UW Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series (SSRN) | Anyone anywhere | New and forthcoming law school faculty and staff scholarship. Part of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). | 1990s | present | General | Federal; Foreign & International; All States | |||
Video Collection, Law-Related (UW Law Library) | https://library.law.wisc.edu/dvd-collection/ | Video Collection, Law-Related (UW Law Library) | Anyone anywhere | Feature films, TV dramas, and documentaries available at the Law Library | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | ||||
Voting Rights & Election Law (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-election | Voting Rights & Election Law (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Books and government documents covering the electoral process and specific elections conducted both in the United States and around the world. | 1682 | present | General; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International; Federal | |||
Water Law Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/waterlaw | Water Law Guide | Anyone anywhere | Subject Guide on UW and free legal resources about water law. | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | |||||
Water Rights & Resources (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-water | Water Rights & Resources (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Focuses on state and federal legal issues surrounding access to and the delivery of water. Topics covered include irrigation, hydropower, water conservation, drinking water quality, tribal water rights, and the 1972 Clean Water Act. Includes government documents, reports, legislative histories, books, and scholarly articles. | 1813 | present | General | Federal; All States | |||
Westlaw Campus Research | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/westlaw-cr | Westlaw Campus Research | UW-Madison users anywhere | [UW Law students, faculty, and staff should use Westlaw Precision.] Cases, statutes, court rules, regulations, federal administrative materials, U.S. Supreme Court briefs, and secondary sources, including news and business publications. | present | General | Federal; All States | ||||
Westlaw Precision (Westlaw for Law Schools) | http://lawschool.tr.com | Westlaw Precision (Westlaw for Law Schools) | UW Law users anywhere | (Formerly known as Westlaw Edge.) Legal, news, reference, and business sources. Contains primary legal resources (cases, statutes, regulations, etc.) and secondary materials (journal articles, worldwide news, business sources, etc.). To receive a Westlaw password, you must be an authorized user affiliated with the Law School. Incoming Law students will receive their passwords at orientation. Contact Kris Turner for assistance with Westlaw passwords. | present | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | daily | 12 | ||
Wex (Cornell LII) | http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/ | Wex (Cornell LII) | Anyone anywhere | A collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. | present | General | Foreign & International; Federal; All States | daily | |||
WisBar Lawyer Search | https://www.wisbar.org/Pages/BasicLawyerSearch.aspx | WisBar Lawyer Search | Anyone anywhere | Directory of Wisconsin licensed attorneys. | present | Lawyering & the Practice ofLaw | Wisconsin | daily | |||
WisBlawg (UW Law Library) | https://wisblawg.law.wisc.edu/ | WisBlawg (UW Law Library) | Anyone anywhere | Blog covering legal research and internet news & information with an emphasis on Wisconsin. | 2004 | present | General | Wisconsin | daily | ||
Wisconsin Administrative Code and Register | http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wiscadministrativecode | Wisconsin Administrative Code and Register | Anyone anywhere | Agency rules appearing in the Administrative Code (current) and notices in the Administrative Register (since 1996). Beginning in April 2001 with Admin Register No. 542, superseded Admin Code chapters are also available allowing the user to reconstruct the Code as it existed on a specific date. | 1996 | present | General | Wisconsin | biweekly | ||
Wisconsin and U.S. Constitutions | https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/constitution | Wisconsin and U.S. Constitutions | Anyone anywhere | Full-text of the Wisconsin Constitution, including pending constitutional amendments. Full-text of the U.S. Constitution. | present | General | Wisconsin; Federal | ||||
Wisconsin Attorney General Opinions | https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/oag | Wisconsin Attorney General Opinions | Anyone anywhere | Opinions of the Attorney General beginning with volume 71. | 1982 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Bar Books | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/books-unbound | Wisconsin Bar Books | UW Law users anywhere | See: Books Unbound | present | General | Wisconsin | weekly | |||
Wisconsin Blue Book | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wisconsinbluebook | Wisconsin Blue Book | Anyone anywhere | Biennial almanac of Wisconsin government. | 1853 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Briefs | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wi-briefs | Wisconsin Briefs | Anyone anywhere | Briefs for Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals published and unpublished cases from 173 Wis.2d (November 1992) through 317 Wis.2d (approx. July 2009).See Wisconsin Court System Case Search for more recent cases. | 1992 | 2009 | General | Wisconsin | 13 | ||
Wisconsin Briefs - Finding Guide, 1858-1957 | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wi-briefs-finding-guide | Wisconsin Briefs - Finding Guide, 1858-1957 | Anyone anywhere | Index to the UW Law Library's collection of briefs from Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases appearing in the Wisconsin Reports from 9 Wis. to 275 Wis. | 1858 | 1957 | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Case Law and Administrative Decisions (Wisconsin State Law Library) | http://wilawlibrary.gov/topics/wisconsinlaw.php | Wisconsin Case Law and Administrative Decisions (Wisconsin State Law Library) | Anyone anywhere | Wisconsin Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Tax Appeals, and WERC opinions and decisions. | 1989 | present | General | Wisconsin | daily | ||
Wisconsin Citizen Petitions, 1836-1891 | https://wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS16406 | Wisconsin Citizen Petitions, 1836-1891 | Anyone anywhere | 2500 petitions, remonstrances, and resolutions submitted to the territorial and, later, state legislature by Wisconsin’s citizens between 1836 and 1891. Additional petitions from 1836 to 2010 are available by visiting the Wisconsin Historical Society. | 1836 | 1891 | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Clearinghouse Rules | https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/chr | Wisconsin Clearinghouse Rules | Anyone anywhere | Proposed changes to agency rules reviewed by the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse. | 1991 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin County Legal Resources | http://wilawlibrary.gov/topics/county.php | Wisconsin County Legal Resources | Anyone anywhere | Information on law-related Wisconsin county agencies, legal assistance organizations, legal forms and guides, and county ordinances and court rules. | present | General | Wisconsin | ||||
Wisconsin Court System | http://www.wicourts.gov/ | Wisconsin Court System | Anyone anywhere | Official Wisconsin Courts site contains court documents, and information about the court system and the current court term. Includes Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions from 1995-present and Wisconsin Supreme Court oral arguments from September 1997-present. | 1995 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Court System Case Search (CCAP & WSCCA) | http://www.wicourts.gov/casesearch.htm | Wisconsin Court System Case Search (CCAP & WSCCA) | Anyone anywhere | Civil and criminal case information and status reports from Wisconsin circuit courts (CCAP), as well as from the Court of Appeals & Supreme Court (WSCCA). Case information includes case summaries, parties, and dockets (recorded events). Also includes judgements and briefs for recent Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases. | varies | present | General | Wisconsin | daily | ||
Wisconsin Digital Archives | https://www.wistatedocuments.org | Wisconsin Digital Archives | Anyone anywhere | Documents concerning the activities, functions, and policies of Wisconsin State Government. Includes documents from 2001 to current published electronically by the Executive and Judicial branches of Wisconsin State Government, state government task forces, initiatives, boards, commissions, councils and special study groups. | 2001 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Ethics Opinions | https://www.wisbar.org/formembers/ethics/Pages/Opinions.aspx | Wisconsin Ethics Opinions | Anyone anywhere | Wisconsin Ethics Opinions are issued by the State Bar Professional Ethics Committee at the written request of a member of the Bar or at the Committee's own initiative. The Committee issues three types of advisory opinions; formal, informal, and memorandum. | present | Lawyering & the Practice ofLaw | Wisconsin | ||||
Wisconsin Eye | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wisconsineye | Wisconsin Eye | Anyone anywhere | Statewide public affairs broadcasting network, providing video of Wisconsin legislative sessions and meetings and Supreme Court oral arguments. Also includes video series covering Wisconsin civic life and public policy. Creation of a free user account is required to view most content. Legislative and Supreme Court videos can be viewed free for up to 24 hours after an event; older legislative and Supreme Court videos require a paid individual subscription. | present | General | Wisconsin | daily | |||
Wisconsin Historical Society Archive-It Collection | https://archive-it.org/organizations/478 | Wisconsin Historical Society Archive-It Collection | Anyone anywhere | Archived versions of websites relevant to Wisconsin government and politics. Includes archived state, county, and municipal government websites, as well as websites from the state's regional planning commissions. Also includes archived websites related to Wisconsin gubernatorial, senatorial, and other electoral campaigns, Scott Walker's Presidential campaign, archived websites of Wisconsin legislators, and the 2011 Wisconsin budget bill controversy and recalls. | 2010 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Fastcase) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wisconsin-jury-instructions-fastcase | Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Fastcase) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Archived editions of all three sets of Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Civil, Criminal and Children). The Instructions are searchable and can be printed or downloaded as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF files. For current Wisconsin Jury Instructions, see Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Wisconsin State Law Library). | 2015 | 2022 | Lawyering & the Practice of Law | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Wisconsin State Law Library) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wisconsin-jury-instructions | Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Wisconsin State Law Library) | Anyone anywhere | Current, up-to-date editions of all three sets of Wisconsin Jury Instructions (Civil, Criminal and Children). The Instructions can be printed or downloaded as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF files. | present | Lawyering & the Practice of Law | Wisconsin | ||||
Wisconsin Legal Information Sources Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/wilegalinfosources | Wisconsin Legal Information Sources Guide | Anyone anywhere | A listing of online and print legal research resources available to attorneys In Wisconsin. | General | Federal; Wisconsin; States | |||||
Wisconsin Legislative Documents | http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov | Wisconsin Legislative Documents | Anyone anywhere | Wisconsin bills, acts, statutes, administrative rules, the Wisconsin Constitution, and more, including archived documents. Bill histories and amendments are included back to 1995. | 1836 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Legislative Drafting Records | https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/drafting_files | Wisconsin Legislative Drafting Records | Anyone anywhere | Written materials, letters, and memoranda given to or created by the legislative drafting attorney in the process of drafting a bill, resolution, or subsequent amendments. May provide some insight into the meaning of statutory language. | 1999/2000 | 2015/2016 | General | Wisconsin | 14 | ||
Wisconsin Legislative History Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/wilegishistory | Wisconsin Legislative History Guide | Anyone anywhere | A guide to researching the legislative history of Wisconsin laws. | Legislation | Wisconsin | |||||
Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau | http://www.legis.state.wi.us/LRB/ | Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau | Anyone anywhere | The LRB's mission is to serve the Wisconsin Legislature and the public by providing nonpartisan legal, research, and library services. | present | General | Wisconsin | ||||
Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau Digital Collections | http://lrbdigital.legis.wisconsin.gov | Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau Digital Collections | Anyone anywhere | Documents published by the legislature and legislative agencies (including the Legislative Reference Bureau, Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Legislative Audit Bureau, and Legislative Council), and reports submitted to the legislature. Topics covered include public policy, government programs, and statistics. | 1950 | present | Local Government Law | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Municipal Data System | http://mds.wi.gov | Wisconsin Municipal Data System | Anyone anywhere | Municipal records from Wisconsin's towns, villages, cities and counties, including incorporation papers, annexations, corporate boundaries, maps and litigation correspondence. | 1890s | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Ordinances & Codes | http://wilawlibrary.gov/topics/ordinances.php | Wisconsin Ordinances & Codes | Anyone anywhere | Wisconsin municipal and county ordinances and codes. | varies | present | Local Government Law | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin Public Documents | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WI.WIPublicDocs | Wisconsin Public Documents | Anyone anywhere | Annual and biennial reports of Wisconsin state agencies from 1852 through 1914 as well as reports of various state officers, departments and institutions. Also includes Wisconsin statistical tables, financial charts, vintage photographs, supplementary documents, maps, other graphics and research publications. | 1852 | 1914 | Jurisprudence & Legal History; Administrative Law | Wisconsin | |||
Wisconsin State Agencies | https://www.wisconsin.gov/Pages/AllAgencies.aspx | Wisconsin State Agencies | Anyone anywhere | Official State directory of agency and departmental websites. | present | General | Wisconsin | ||||
Wisconsin State Law Library | http://wilawlibrary.gov/ | Wisconsin State Law Library | Anyone anywhere | Catalogs of the State Law Library, the Dane County Law Library, and the Milwaukee County Law Library. Links to state, federal, and other legal resources on the internet. | present | General | Wisconsin | daily | |||
Wisconsin Statutes | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wisconsin-statutes | Wisconsin Statutes | Anyone anywhere | Wisconsin Statutes from the Legislative Reference Bureau. Statutes are updated with the integration of acts from the current legislative session. | 1989 | present | General | Wisconsin | |||
Wolters Kluwer VitalLaw | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/vitallaw | Wolters Kluwer VitalLaw | UW-Madison users anywhere | Includes Standard Federal Tax Reporter and treatises Administrative Law Treatise; Competition Law of the EU; Goldstein on Copyright; and Mergers, Acquisitions, and Buyouts. | Business Organizations & Corporations; Health & Medicine; Labor & Employment; Taxation | daily | 15 | ||||
World Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/world-constitutions-illustrated | World Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Current constitutions for every country in the original language along with at least one English translation. Includes expert commentary, the complete set of the British and Foreign State Papers, and other significant Sources such as Country Studies, the World Fact Book, and Annual Human Rights Reports Submitted to Congress by the U.S. Department of State. | 1812 | present | Constitutional Law; Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
World Legal Information Institute | http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/215.html | World Legal Information Institute | Anyone anywhere | Case law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials from foreign countries, the United States, and the 50 states. | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Legislation | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | ||||
World Treaty Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/worldtreaty | World Treaty Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Treaties from around the world from 1648 to the present. Includes Rohn's World Treaty Index, Marten's Treaties, Wiktor's Multilateral Treaty Calendar, Dumont's Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens, the U.S. Treaties and Agreements collection, all United Nations Treaty Publications, and more. | 1648 | present | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
World Trials Library (HeinOnline) | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/hein-world-trials | World Trials Library (HeinOnline) | UW-Madison users anywhere | Trial transcripts from some of history's most famous trials. Also includes texts that analyze and debate famous trials, as well as biographies of some of the greatest trial lawyers in history. | 1700s | 1900s | Foreign, International & Comparative Law | Foreign & International | |||
WorldCat Library Catalog | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/worldcat | WorldCat Library Catalog | UW-Madison users anywhere | Catalog of millions of books, journals, and other materials owned by libraries around the world, including UW-Madison and the Library of Congress. | present | General | Federal; All States; Foreign & International | 16 | |||
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts | https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.web/wpsa | Worldwide Political Science Abstracts | UW-Madison users anywhere | Index and abstracts of journals in political science and related fields, including international relations, law, public administration, and public policy. | 1975 | present | Law, Politics & Society | Federal; Foreign & International | |||
WTO/GATT Guide | https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/gattwto | WTO/GATT Guide | Anyone anywhere | An guide to resources for legal research involving the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). | Foreign, International & Comparative Law; Business Organizations & Corporations | Foreign & International | |||||
Access | Subject |