This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Accessibility Policy
The UW-Madison libraries are committed to providing access to all library facilities and collections for people with disabilities. Whenever possible, the libraries will select and acquire resources and technologies that are accessible to all in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For those parts of the historical library collections that are not accessible, the libraries are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access in appropriately reformatted media that are accessible to disabled library users.
For additional information and assistance, see the UW Madison Libraries Accessibility & Usability policy page.
Circulation Policies
Identification Needed
- Wiscard (UW-Madison ID card)* or
- Memorial Fee Card or
- Law Library Card**
** Patrons with current photo identification and a permanent Wisconsin address may apply for a Law Library card.
The card will be mailed to verify the address. Up to three items may be charged while the Law Library card application is pending.
Loan Periods
UW Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students
- Loans: Semester
- Reserves: 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days (depends on the item)
- Renewals: most items can be renewed until the maximum of 2 years is reached.
- Recalls: All items are subject to recall if needed for course reserves.
UW Undergraduate Students
- Loans: 28 days
- Reserves: 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days (depends on the item)
- Renewals: most items can be renewed until the maximum of 84 days is reached.
- Recalls: all items are subject to recall if needed for course reserves.
Community Patrons
- Loans: 28 days
- Reserves: 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days (depends on the item)
- Renewals: most items can be renewed until the maximum of 84 days is reached.
- Recalls: All items are subject to recall if needed for course reserves.
- The following services are not available for community patrons: Borrow UW System materials, UBorrow and Interlibrary Loan, Access to UW-Madison licensed online resources from off-campus, and distance services.
Patrons are billed for failing to return or renew items 45 days after the due date. The items are considered lost by the library. Newer volumes are billed at their current replacement cost, most older volumes are billed at a $ 100.00 default fee.
If the item is returned, the replacement fee is expunged. Patrons must still pay any overdue fines associated with the transaction.
Items will be billed according to the amount of damage incurred. If the item is not repairable, a replacement charge will be applied.
You may appeal overdue recall charges, but lost book charges cannot be appealed. To appeal overdue fines, use the online appeal form.
Payment of Fees
You can pay fines:
- Online through your library account. Online payment by credit card requires a valid NetID.
- In person- cash or credit card (Visa/Mastercard). Payment can be made at the Memorial Library Circulation Office, Room 170.
- Phone- call Memorial Library Circulation Office at 608-263-7360. Hours: Monday- Friday: 8:00 am- Noon
Hold on University Records
When a library account reaches $50.00 in non-payments, a hold will be placed on your University records.
A hold placed on your records will prevent you from being able to:
- Register for classes
- Get your transcripts
- Get your diploma
- Access online resources (in some cases)
Borrowing Blocks
Borrowing privileges will be blocked if your account:
- Has reached $200.00 or more in fines
- Has an overdue recall item
- Has an overdue Interlibrary Loan item
Avoiding Library Charges
- Return reserve materials on time. Check the your Library Catalog account for due dates and times.
- Don’t ignore overdue notices. If you feel you have gotten an overdue notice in error, contact the Circulation Department as soon as possible. If it is an error, it can be corrected before it is invoiced and a hold is placed on your University records.
Ask at the Circulation Desk or call 608-262-1128.
Code of Conduct
UW-Madison Libraries Code of Conduct
The UW-Madison Libraries support the teaching, research, and outreach mission of the university by providing access to and delivery of information. The libraries endeavor to provide safe, respectful, and inclusive environments for collaborative and individual study and learning.
In order to provide these environments, patrons and staff who enter UW-Madison Libraries agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.
Individuals will:
- Obey all federal, state, and local laws including Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter UWS 18 which governs conduct on university lands
- Comply with applicable university policies and with all library policies including, but not limited to, food and drink, noise, mobile device usage, and photography and filming
- Use computers, online resources, and all other library technology within the guidelines of the UW System Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy
- Adhere to policies governing appropriate use of university identification and present identification to library staff upon request
- Respond to alarms and other emergency or security situations as instructed by staff
- Limit use of the library to public areas and leave library spaces at closing
- Treat all library users and staff with respect
Individuals will not:
- Exhibit any threatening or intimidating behaviors, e.g., abusive language, threats of violence or harassment
- Engage in behavior that is potentially unsafe or harmful to self or others
- Create disturbances or disruptions, or behave in any manner that is inconsistent with the UW-Madison Libraries’ mission
- Engage in any sexual activities outside the limits of applicable laws
- Vend, peddle, solicit or petition in UW-Madison Libraries
- Post or distribute materials without permission in UW-Madison Libraries
- Misuse, misappropriate, damage, steal, deliberately misplace or obstruct use of library equipment, resources or facilities
- Violate copyright laws, including systematically downloading, printing, scanning or disseminating content in violation of copyright laws
- Deface or damage library materials including, but not limited to, underlining, highlighting, writing, removing pages or security devices
- Use library areas for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters
Any violation of our code of conduct is subject to sanctions, which include, but are not limited to:
- Being asked to leave the library premises
- Being reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (Division of Student Life)
- Having library privileges suspended or revoked
- Being banned from the UW-Madison Libraries or Campus
- Being reported to the police
- Legal prosecution
Food & Beverage Policy
Law Library users deserve a clean and quiet atmosphere to study. Therefore, food is not permitted anywhere in the library. Insects and rodents attracted by food pose a danger to the library collection. Noisy food consumption also serves as a distraction to study and research.
Beverages in covered containers are allowed, but not near library computers or other equipment.
Law Library Mission Statement
The Law Library’s mission is to foster research and learning. Our vision is to provide valued service to the UW Law School and University communities using our unique skills as information professionals.
Limited Access Periods
In response to a request from the Student Bar Association to provide adequate study space for law students, access to the Law Library is limited during the exam period to law students, law faculty & staff, and individuals needing to do legal research or use Law Library materials, including our federal documents collection.
Limited access begins four full weekends before the first proctored law exam (Law School Academic Calendar). The policy remains in effect until shortly before the last law exam date. Extended hours, during which the library’s weekend hours are lengthened, begins three full weekends prior to the last exam. Limited access remains in effect during extended hours.

Law students are given a green gargoyle sticker to put on their Wiscard to identify themselves (stickers are available at the Law Library Circulation Desk). During limited access hours, monitors posted outside the library entrance will ask law students to show their Wiscard with gargoyle sticker. Non law students and those not needing access to the Law Library collection will be directed elsewhere.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation and regret any inconvenience that this might cause. If you have questions about the library’s policy on limited access, please submit them to the Law Library Suggestion Box.
Lost and Damaged Materials
Library material is available for use by all library patrons. To make the collection accessible to all, please return materials on time and in the same condition as when you received them. Marking on or folding pages is considered damaging to library materials.
Damaged or lost materials may be subject to fines. For more information, see the UW Madison Campus Libraries policy on Lost or Mutilated Items.
Noise and Other Distractions Policy
Law Library users appreciate that the library serves as a quiet place to study. Please respect those around you by keeping noise and other distractions to a minimum. Talking in a loud voice, audible use of technological devices (cell phones, computers, etc.), food consumption, and other activities that may interfere with others’ ability to study are prohibited.
If you notice any distractions or inappropriate behavior in the library, please notify library staff right away so that we may promptly address the situation.
Study Rooms
These areas are designated for law students, faculty or staff who want to study together. Talking in low tones is allowed.
Class of 1972 Study Lab
This collaborative workspace is designed for groups and talking in normal voices is allowed. Please be respectful of others that are working in the lab.
Quarles & Brady Reading Room
Because even small sounds are amplified due to the acoustics of the room, the Quarles & Brady Reading Room requires patrons to be as quiet as possible while studying. When using the adjacent study room (5350) for viewing videos, keep the volume low or use headphones which are available at the Circulation Desk.
Photograph Duplication Policy
The UW Law Library maintains a non-circulating collection of UW Law School photographs. We encourage use of reproductions in publication and public displays.
In order to make the collection available and to preserve it for future generations, the following policies have been enacted.
- Library staff will scan a limited number of photographs upon request.
- Unless otherwise requested, the following settings will be used:
- 300 dpi
- 8 bit grey-scale or 24 bit color
- TIFF file
- For UW Madison faculty, staff, students, and alumni, there is no scanning charge in most circumstances. For other patrons, a small cost recovery fee of $25 for the first image and $5 for each subsequent image may be charged.
- With permission of a library staff member, patrons may scan, copy or take a photo of photographs inside of the Law Library. They must either use their own equipment or use the library’s scanners or photocopiers.
- Photographic prints and negatives may not leave the Law Library unless permission is granted by a library staff member.
Generally, such permission is only granted to UW Law School faculty and staff and only when duplicate prints or negatives are available.
If permission is granted, the borrower is responsible for the safe and prompt return of the photograph(s).
- For use outside the UW Law School, please credit photographs as follows: “Image courtesy of the University of Wisconsin Law School”
- Duplication by the UW Law Library does not transfer either the copyright or property right for the photographs.
- The patron assumes all responsibility for obtaining the necessary permissions to use photographs, as well as responsibility for any questions of copyright and invasion of privacy that may arise in the use of the images.
For questions with or assistance using the UW Law School photograph collection, contact Mary Jo Koranda.
To request a reproduction, complete the Photograph Duplication Request form (PDF) and return it to the Reference Desk or to Mary Jo Koranda.
Public Workstation Use Policy
There are several computer workstations in the Law Library which are available to the public for legal research purposes.
The Law Library asks that you respect the following policy on workstation use:
The public computer workstations have been furnished to facilitate research and provide access to library materials. All other uses, including, but not limited to, email, chat, games, and recreational web use, are not permitted.
Reference Services Policy
Reference assistance is intended primarily for current students, faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin – Madison.Our staff can help you locate and use the print and online resources of the UW Law Library. Anyone may contact us, but we can only provide limited assistance to those outside of the campus community.
Here are ways to reach us:
- In person service at the reference desk includes evening and weekend hours during the fall and spring semesters. Check the UW Law Library Hoursfor complete schedule information.
- Chat questions are answered by the law librarians staffing the reference desk. Questions asked in person at the desk have priority over chat questions. If the chat dialogue box indicates that a librarian is available but you don’t receive an immediate response to your question, please try again in a few minutes. Questions requiring in-depth knowledge on a topic or resource may be referred to an appropriate subject specialist who will contact you as soon as possible.
- Telephone reference service is provided as time permits. Generally, this service is limited to questions requiring ready reference sources, such as inquiries on whether or not the library holds certain materials or a quick check of online websites or print material. We will not read any part of a statute, case, definition, etc. over the phone to patrons.
- Ask UW Law email questions typically receive a reply within 24 hours during the regular business week, Monday–Friday.
As librarians, we cannot provide legal advice or interpretation of the law because to do so would be considered the unauthorized practice of law, which is illegal. If you need someone who will research and interpret the law for you, consider talking to an attorney. For information on identifying and locating attorneys, please consult our Low Cost Legal Resources in Dane County Guide. The Wisconsin State Bar Lawyer Referral and Information Service, Findlaw, Justia, and are other options.
We encourage you to come into the Law Library where you may access books and databases in order to conduct your own research. If you cannot visit the Law Library, many resources including laws, cases, regulations and articles are now available on free, reliable Internet websites.See our Wisconsin Legal Information Sources Guide as a starting point for locating state legal resources. Many local public libraries also have the current Wisconsin Statutes in print.
Finally, we often are asked if the Law School offers services where people can get help with their legal questions. The University of Wisconsin Law School has numerous clinics through which law students obtain practical experience in delivering legal services. Whether these clinics can assist you will depend on your particular situation or problem, their current caseload, and the time of year (the clinics typically operate only when classes are in session). Most clinics do not take walk-in clients. The Reference Librarians will refer you to the appropriate clinic whenever it is feasible.
Study Carrel Reservations
There are a limited number of Law Library study carrels available to UW Law School faculty, graduate students, and law school affiliated visiting scholars.
Students in the law school graduate programs may request to reserve one for the academic year. SJD and LLM students are given first priority. If there are carrels remaining, MLI students may request one. The Graduate Programs Office will contact students with specific instructions on how to apply for a carrel.
Law School faculty and visiting scholars may email to request a carrel.
Study Room Reservations
The Law Library’s eight study rooms are available only to UW Law School students, faculty, and staff. Law students can reserve up to four hours of study room time per day, using the online reservation system or in-person at the Circulation Desk. Law faculty, staff, or student organizations who would like to make block reservations for a class, program, or special project, should contact
Checking In
Students will need a valid Wiscard to check out their study room key from the Circulation Desk. After a 15-minute grace period, if the key has not been checked out the library staff reserves the right to cancel the reservation and give it to another student who may be waiting.
Room Usage
The Library Code of Conduct applies to use of the study rooms. In particular, eating is not permitted. Beverages may be consumed from closed containers.
Study rooms must be vacated 15 minutes before the library’s closing time.
More Information
For more information about study room locations, equipment, and using the online reservation system, please consult this page about study rooms. For any other questions, please contact, call us at 608-262-1128, or ask at the Circulation Desk.